A good reason to vote for McCain
I’m not sure that I would vote for McCain, but he just got a big boost in the “worthy of the office” department. McCain said that he would never use
I’m not sure that I would vote for McCain, but he just got a big boost in the “worthy of the office” department. McCain said that he would never use
Orlando Sentinel Reports: Sean L. Bishop, 41, is being tried this week on a felony charge and a misdemeanor charge that he had funneled $1,500 through other people to fund
David Brooks wrote, in the Atlantic Monthly, about how “the revival of blatant sexism in American culture has many progressive thinkers flummoxed,” in his work “The Return of the Pig.”
As if anyone would think that a band from Boston would endorse Huckabee for president! CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — The chief songwriter and founder of the band Boston has more
Does anyone wonder if Salvatore Rivieri was the inspiration for the Farva character in Super Troopers? Watch this video and judge for yourself. This is what happens when you hire
Best news I have heard all week. Now if only Obama could strike his knockout punch and send neo-con Hillary back where she belongs. I have no idea where that
I woke up today and had to rub the sleep out of my eyes a few times before it sunk in… I owe my adopted state at least a partial
I’m not talking about Microsoft, I’m talking about political correctness. Yes, now that the dark ages of Bush conservative censorship are on the wane, we once again see the left
Story at The Van Der Galiën Gazette
I’m not much of an economist, but I know that my credit score goes down when I charge a lot on my credit card. You idiots who voted for Bush
The thing I love about the blogosphere is that you can randomly stumble around and then actually run smack into something brilliant. I found this comment left by “KevinK”. We
I never do… but John McCain sure does.