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Capcom Wins Zombie Infringement Case

by Christopher “Undead” Harbin, Legal Satyricon Correspondent I’m only really scared of one thing in this world. Zombies. Really – they freak me out. I think it’s because my brother

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The Real McCain

Another brilliant post from Andrew Sullivan: As for McCain, we have seen how he deals with what were once his principles. Balancing the budget? He caved to Bush’s tax cuts

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Great Campaign Ad – "His Choice"

The only thing I would have changed about this ad: I would have used calliope circus music. [youtube=] And you don’t need to be a lib’rul to be appalled at

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One Issue Where McCain Beats Obama

Ok Republicans, I’ll do your stinking work for you. I’ve read lots of irrational reasons to vote for McCain. I’ve read rational and irrational arguments to vote against Obama. However,

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Joe the Moron

Well, it looks like Joe the Plumber has finally jumped his own mental midget shark. Shep Smith is here on Fox throwing some pretty soft questions Joe’s way. Shep isn’t

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I am Hussein

If you don’t remember this scene from Office Space, you probably are pop-culture starved to the point that much on this blog confuses you. Samir: No one in this country

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A Tax Compromise

There are a certain number of McPalin supporters who are voting for them because they see Palin as the next incarnation of Bush. They don’t expect McCain to live long,

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Is "Jack" the Enlightened One?

Bob Ambrogi at Legal Blog Watch writes: “Jack” is a Washington, D.C., lawyer who hopes someday to be to the legal profession what Siddhartha was to Buddhism — one remembered

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McCain in Vain – McCain in Pain

Ol’ man McCain says that Ted “series of tubes ” Stevens should resign — that’s after 26 years of palling around with him. Track #19 on London Calling, anyone? Meanwhile,

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Ted Stevens Guilty

A jury found U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska guilty Monday of all seven counts in his federal corruption trial. The jury found Stevens guilty of “knowingly and willfully” scheming

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Just a Hockey Mom…

John Edwards was an elitist and out of touch with the American people for getting $400 haircuts. Caribou-Moron Barbie spent $22,800 on two weeks worth of makeup, $150,000 on clothes

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