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Seven Deadly Sins

This was fun, and no surprise. I took the “Seven Deadly Sins Quiz,” and here are my results. Greed: Medium   Gluttony: High   Wrath: High   Sloth: Low  

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This Might Explain Florida

Apparently the heat makes you stupid and more likely to be a criminal (if you’re white, anyhow). See Gene Expression, Colder climates favor civilization.

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Bastille Day

In celebration of Bastille Day, today’s entry is my annual expression of gratitude to La République Française et les citoyens français (the French Republic and the French Citizens). It is

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South Carolina is SO GAY!

From The State, but Hat Tip to Ann Bartow South Carolina’s top tourism agency has canceled an overseas advertising campaign targeting gay tourists. The campaign, tied to gay pride week

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Quote of the Week

I don’t think it’s the job of the law to limit the options of law-abiding citizens and businesses because of the potential harm to the Darwin-Award-winning segment of our society.

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Is this Denver or Singapore?

A citizen came to a public place, where John McCain was giving a “town hall meeting.” For some reason, the Secret Service told the police to remove this citizen because

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Stagliano Video

A representative of the group Bureaucrash wrote me and sent me a link to this video. I feel like uploading it to my iPod touch, strapping that to a brick,

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Goodbye Windows!

This is my first blog posting from my new Mac. I went over to Windows during law school, because you had to have special software to access Lexis and Westlaw,

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Miserable Failure? Check

Here is a chart of Bush’s historical approval ratings And, for the idiots who still think he’s doing a heckuva job. [youtube=]

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