News & Media
No…. Section 230 does not prohibit you from being responsible
There are three kinds of people who talk about Section 230: 1) Those who know the law and speak the truth, 2) Those who know the law, but lie, 3) Those who don’t know the law, and still spew stupidity. I’m not going to try and separate the 2s from the 3s. I just want to spread the truth. But,
Happy 50th Birthday, New York Times v. Sullivan
By Reed Lee, Esq. Today rings in the 50th anniversary of the SCOTUS decision in New York Times v. Sullivan. In my view, this was the single most important free speech case the United States Supreme Court has ever decided. Alexander Mieklejohn described the Sullivan decision as “an occasion for dancing in the streets.” I would like to suggest its
Cross at WTC, yea or nay?
Amy Alkon (who I fucking adore) thinks that its a bit too petty to try and gank the cross from the WTC memorial. (here) I disagree, but whatever.
If a Judge Wants Prosecutors to Follow the Law, He Must Be Biased
Gideon, at the Connecticut Law Tribune gives us a peek into the souls of the prosecutor corps. (here)
An Open Letter to Journalists
Dear Members of the Media, I sincerely appreciate all of your hard work in bringing us the news of the day. In this day and age, there is a lot of burgeoning information and it is cumbersome to sift through all of it to provide summaries to the masses. However, there is one thing you do not do that is
Happy National Teacher's Day
Even if you win, you just screwed yourself
Rachel Canning and her parents’ problems seem like pretty typical (albeit on the upper end of things) 18 year old acting-out-behavior. Suspensions. Drinking. A lousy boyfriend. Parental ultimatum of “break up with your boyfriend, or you’re financially cut off.” So, she moves out, moves in with a friend, and the friend’s parents pay for an attorney to sue her parents
A very good critique of my position
Ethics Alarms has a very thought provoking critique of my “comfort women” post. I may disagree, but I think it is definitely worth reading and considering when pondering this issue.
Accused of a crime? There go your assets.
I had some serious misgivings about Kagan due to her view that New York Times v. Sullivan should be reined in. (source) Of course, her views on that are at least debatable. She just prefers some of the logic in Canada’s Hill v. Church of Scientology, [1995] 2 S.C.R. 1130. But in Kaley v. United States, she just
BOOM! Down goes Texas
I felt a great disturbance in the Douchebag Force, as if millions of lowlife bigot assholes suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I think something wonderful has happened. (Gay marriage ban in Texas struck down — fuck you, Rick Perry) See DeLeon v. Perry.
Update – Comfort Women Video
Yesterday’s post, Mayer Brown, shame on you. (日本、ストライサンド効果へようこそ), might come into better focus (if you need it) if you watch this video. [youtube=] These are the women that the lawsuit referred to like this: During World War II and the decade leading up to it, an unknown number of women from Japan, Korea, China, and a number of nations in
Atheists, leave the Bladensburg Cross Alone
You do not need to be as sharp as a mohel’s blade to figure out that I am not the most religious guy in the world. In fact, take the view that the First Amendment provides us both freedom of religion and freedom from religion. So when I see someone file a lawsuit to remove a huge crucifix from public
Mayer Brown, shame on you. (日本、ストライサンド効果へようこそ)
Every law firm gets confronted (on a pretty regular basis) with the question: “should I put my name on this?” That soul searching comes into play when you wonder, “is this honorable?” You know when it is, and when it isn’t. I’m not talking about representing a client that you know is guilty — they deserve a defense. I’m not
Why do we need fair use?
[youtube=] Need I say more?
This video will set you straight on a lot of issues
I mean, seriously… if you didn’t think of it this way before, you must be blind, or something… or maybe blinded by aliens, or frogs, or Ted Nugent or something. [youtube=]
God is a dick
i09 has a pretty good summary of why God is a dick here.
Intentional Sex Tort? (Im)practical Exercise
A while back, there was some spirited discussion about “Intentional Sex Torts” and whether misleading someone in order to hook up with them should be actionable. (Post here) Analyze the facts below. Should the Bass Player be liable? What, if anything, should Ms. Jorgensen recover?
Virginia Gay Marriage Ban Struck Down – Meanwhile Kansas is Still a Shit Hole
The Kansas legislature is on track to pass a law that will legalize discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, under the guise of “religious freedom.” (source) Apparently, the local variety of worship for the Magic Space Zombie Jew (MSZJ) includes being a douchebag to your neighbors. One part of me wants to say “so what?” Kansas sucks.
Temple of Sweetness
By Tatiana von Tauber I grew up watching Shirley Temple as a child. I bet you did too. While we age and time runs from us, death of great icons really bring us something to be grateful for, to see our lives differently or to realize just how someone affected you, more powerfully than you knew. Shirley Temple did that