News & Media
Marc Randazza on Steubenville Rape, Defamation, and the Limits to Free Speech
Attorney Marc Randazza recently appeared on to discuss the Steubenville rape case, in which Randazza acted as consulting attorney. Randazza says: The law needs to look at journalism as a thing you do, not journalists as a thing you are. Watch More…
Reason TV Interview
PSA: Use Caution When You Trim Your Junk
According to the Today Show, “pubic hair grooming injuries jumped five-fold between 2000 and 2010.” Good god, people! Be careful down there!
A "separate prom" to avoid homosexuals – homassholes lose
In Sullivan, Indiana, the local high school declined to ban gays and lesbians from bringing their same-sex dates to the prom. So, a group of “christian” students and their parents decided to have an “alternate prom,” where the queers wouldn’t go fagging up the place. Or something like that. (source) To help “preserve their beliefs,” parents, students, and other homasssholes
Now this is horrible….
USA Today Reports: PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea (AP) — A mob stripped, tortured and bound a woman accused of witchcraft, then burned her alive in front of hundreds of witnesses in a Papua New Guinea town, police said Friday after one of the highest profile sorcery-related murders in this South Pacific island nation. … Kepari Leniata, a 20-year-old mother,
Revenge porn is “just entertainment,” says owner of IsAnybodyDown
Ars Technica writes about a CBS interview with the proprietor of revenge porn site IsAnybodyDown and the attorney representing some of the victims of the site, Marc Randazza. Randazza says: I can tell you, there are a number of people ready to file suit as soon as their copyright registration comes in the mail […] I told this guy I was coming for
Viva Hatuey!
On this day in 1512, the Spanish killed Hatuey, the Taíno chief. He led an armed insurrection in Hispaniola for about 10 years, and then in 1511 he and 400 resistance fighters landed in Cuba, hoping to raise an armed insurrection against the Spanish. The Dominican priest Bartolomé de Las Casas documented Hatuey’s motivation: “The intruders worship gold, fight and
Required Reading – Jordan Rushie on Wisdom
Jordan Rushie writes about what a moron he was as a young associate in, Hubris. I must confess some bias here. I represent Rushie in one little matter. I am co-counsel with him on multiple matters. But, this piece is why I am proud to call him a colleague. Achievements are great. I have had enough of them to know
Social media prohibition held unconstitutional
By Andrew J. Contiguglia The 7th Circuit court of appeals Wednesday declared an outright ban on social media usage by convicted sex offenders to be a violation of the First Amendment. At the crux of the arguments is the public’s right to be protected from convicted sex offenders and the offender’s right to send and receive information – a core,
Richard Marx takes on small time blogger… Marx wins.
Small time blogger writes something mildly lame about Richard Marx. Richard Marx appears to get overly bent out of shape about it. Marx and blogger go back and forth. And, just when you think you want to root for the little guy, just when you think this is a case of someone being thin-skinned, Richard Marx wins you over… or
Drunk Driving Permits
In Ireland, County Kerry Councillor Danny Healy-Rae proposed changing the law to allow drunk driving permits to rural inhabitants. (source) Crazy? Crazier still, it PASSED! Mind you, I don’t really think it is crazy. In fact, I think that Mr. Healy-Rae is brilliant. I don’t know much about Ireland’s drunk driving laws, but I know that ours are a constitutional
Mike Masnick Proven Right!
Masnick, over at TechDirt has a philosophy that, if you oversimplify it, boils down to “even if people give your stuff away for free, you can still make money charging for it if you give superior service.” Here is proof that he is right. [youtube=] Well, I dunno… Mike also says stuff like “if you can’t compete with free, [something
Morgan Freeman at the Inauguration….
George Stephanopoulos thought this was Morgan Freeman. Idiot… anyone can tell that this is Nelson Mandela and Condoleeza Rice.
Finally, someone writes something worthwhile about the Manti Te’o girlfriend saga
Gail Collins writes in “The Girl of My Dreams.” Right after Christmas, Te’o told his coach that a woman who sounded like the dead girlfriend had called him to say she wasn’t deceased after all. The coach told the higher ups, and Notre Dame hired an outside firm to investigate the case. When an exposé broke on the Web site
Carlos Miller – First Amendment Hero
If you don’t already know who Carlos Miller is, you should. You are more free because Miller won’t let newsgathering and photography die under the wheels of a paranoid nation, shrieking with fear at imaginary terrorists, and hiring policies in police departments that seem to favor people with personality disorders that would make Eric Cartman blush. Miller’s crusade began a
North Korea announces "Unicorns are Real!" Who are we to mock them?
You know that “axis of evil” state? The one we’re worried about attacking us? On Thursday, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), the North Korea’s government mouthpiece, said scientists “reconfirmed” the location of the burial site of the unicorn ridden by King Dongmyeong, the founding father of the ancient Korean kingdom of Goguryeo (37 BC-668 AD). (source) Of course, we
Vaginas are icky
Apparently… that’s why some plastic surgeons are offering “corrective” surgery to remove the yucky labia. (source)
Why the lunar landing could not have been faked
Not that any LS readers think it was… but, this is a pretty cool video. [youtube=!]
His name is C. Dale Petersen
Compared to C. Dale Petersen, even Chuck Norris is a pussy…. Rocky Mountain Grizzly Bear Jackson Hole, Wyoming This bear was taken by world famous hunter and hunting guide C. Dale Petersen of Jackson Hole, Wyoming. It is one of only two grizzlies known to have been killed “without” the use of modern weaponry. Verified by game biologists, Mr. Petersen
Porn's Most Powerful Players 2013
CNBC recently named attorney Marc J. Randazza one of Porn’s Most Powerful Player for 2013. The post states: Randazza is a first amendment attorney who has frequently defended the adult entertainment industry – especially in copyright infringement cases. Read More…