News & Media
Charles Carreon Has a Point Here
It seems that Carreon is now on a campaign to unmask the person who created a fake twitter account using his name. See Ars Technica. The person set up a twitter account with the handle “@Charles_Carreon” and then began tweeting “abrasively.” Now it seems that he is on a campaign to unmask that person, and presumably add them in to
Bleg: Undergroundzero Festival Needs Your Support
The undergroundzero cooperative and festival needs your support! The undergroundzero cooperative ( is a group of independent artists that produce and present an annual festival of contemporary theater, dance and performance in repertory. Created originally as an annual guest artist festival, it has now evolved into a resident coalition of established independent theater companies producing in New York City. They
Carreon Triples Down — Sues Matthew Inman
Well, Charles Carreon really did it good this time. Instead of backing away from the dispute, like he should have, he’s filed suit against Matthew Inman and Indiegogo. Carreon v. Inman Complaint. For those of you who didn’t catch the story the first time around, Carreon represents a website called “Funny Junk.” Funny Junk is a “user generated content” site
The Oatmeal Responds (Through Counsel)
I have, so far, not joined in the pile-on Charles Carreon that resulted when he sent his ill-considered demand letter to The Oatmeal. I did, however, fear that The Oatmeal might not be represented by good counsel who knew how to crush the demand. I stand corrected, as I have discovered that The Oatmeal is represented by none other than
"You're so gay" not defamatory in New York
Good news. Telling someone “you’re so gay” will no longer get you hit with a defamation suit in New York. (Source). At the end of May, the Third Department of the New York Appellate Court held that because of changing attitudes about homosexuality, calling someone gay who isn’t is no longer defamation per se. Per se categories of defamation include
James John Brennan, BOOM!
James Brennan wasn’t anyone that most of you have ever heard of. He was my high school history teacher, and he died in a car accident yesterday. Brennan was a comical figure. Thick coke-bottle glasses. Wild unkempt hair. Always prone to screaming non-sequiturs either at you, or just down the hallway. If you got a question really wrong, he might
Conservative bloggers claim retaliation for crowd-sourcing posts
In an online flame war spanning across party lines, conservative bloggers say they have been targeted recently for blogging about Brett Kimberlin, a man who was convicted in the 1980s of bombings in Speedway, Ind. (Source). The bloggers started “Blog about Brett Kimberlin Day” movement to make the public more aware of him after he became a political activist. The
ACLU sues after middle school girls expelled over Facebook comments
The ACLU filed a complaint in the Northern District of Indiana against the Griffith Public School district after it expelled three middle school girls for a lengthy conversation they had on Facebook outside of school hours. According to the complaint, the conversation “spanned numerous subjects,” beginning with one girl complaining on her Facebook wall about cutting her legs while shaving
You are Fined Twenty Dollars for Violation of the Verbal Morality Statute.
Creating a well-timed and well-phrased barrage of expletives has been around since the beginning of time and those who have mastered the art should be revered as national treasures (George Carlin, rest in peace). Middleborough, Massachusetts does not share this sentiment. Frustrated malcontent Mimi Duphily was fed up with young hooligans dropping the F-bomb near her auto parts store. So
What What, Fair Use on a 12(b)(6)?
“What what, in the butt?” was the question recently before justices Easterbrook, Cudahy and Hamilton in the appeal of Brownmark Films LLC v. Comedy Partners from the Eastern District of Wisconsin. (Opinion) At issue was whether South Park’s interpretation of Samwell’s “What What In The Butt,” as performed by Butters in the episode “Canada on Strike,” was non-infringing fair use
Your Time Is Their Time (Wasn’t There An Amendment Against That Sort Of Thing?)
Amy Alkon discusses the New York Bar’s new pro bono requirement in Mens News Daily. In her post, Alkon describes some of the virtues of pro bono work–including the pro bono work provided to her by attorney Marc Randazza. Alkon says: I couldn’t have afforded a lawyer to defend me, but that doesn’t mean I am entitled to a lawyer’s
Boston to $10,000!
A law firm in Boston is offering the princely sum of $10,000 per year. (source) Well, in all fairness, that is the projected income for the incoming associate. “Compensation is mainly based on percentage of work billed and collected … We expect an associate to earn $10,000 in compensation in the first year.” Still, if you ever were wondering just
The only time Bill Clinton genuinely smiled
Is in this photo, with two well-known adult actresses. I’ve noticed that Hilary Clinton has been growing her hair out and shedding the paige-boy look she sported much of her adult life. That’s great, and more women should do the same – there are no two things worse on any girl than flip-flops and a short haircut. Unfortunately, Hilary’s efforts
Flashing your headlights to warn other motorists of a speed trap = free speech
A judge in Seminole County, Florida (of all places) ruled that when a motorist flashes his lights at other motorists to warn them of an upcoming speed trap, he is engaging in First Amendment protected speech. (source).
What Gives Them The Right To Frisk Henry Kissinger?
Huffington Post writer Christopher Elliott discusses the TSA’s pat-down policy. Attorney Marc Randazza offers his opinion on the issue. Randazza said the procedures were: “implemented as part of the post 9-11 giddy civil liberties message, that we have all been forced to endure, because questioning anything that is done in the name of combating terrorism is tantamount to treason.” Read
A model for all teachers
By J. DeVoy [youtube] “Re-write that paragraph, less terrible this time.” Being mean works and gets results.
Blogger Asserts Copyright, Newspaper Editor Gets Irate – YouTube
How to properly assert your copy rights: Blogger Asserts Copyright, Newspaper Editor Gets Irate – YouTube. [youtube] h/t Ethics Alarms
Did You Know?
The White House recently made some changes to the American Presidents’ biography page to include little factoids and tidbits about President Obama. Biographies of 20th century presidents now include a “Did you know?” section at the end that outlines what President Obama has done that relates to the particular President whose biography you happen to be reading. Source. See for
Why I moved from the UK
by Charles Platt Yes we have our problems but the UK tends to be that little bit worse. No Constitution and all that. “Campaigners say the Public Order Act is being abused by over-zealous police and prosecutors to arrest Christian street preachers, critics of Scientology, gay rights campaigners and even students making jokes. Currently, Section 5 of the 1986 Act