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Proposals to fix Copyright

Public Knowledge proposes some ideas for how to fix copyright. (source) Curb abuses of DMCA takedown notices. The best part of this is is that they propose broadening the penalties

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Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.

“America is suffering a pandemic of harm from pornography.  A wealth of research is now available demonstrating that pornography causes profound brain changes in both children and adults, resulting in

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Max Bretos Owes No Apology

As the world seems to be aware, the New York Knicks have a new star player named Jeremy Lin.  Not since Patrick Ewing, my fellow Hoya, joined the team have

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UMassAmherst: Alumni Spotlight

UMass Amherst recently featured alumnus Marc Randazza in the journalism school’s alumni spotlight. Randazza says of the journalism school: “Every bit of my success I got because of that program.”

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Naked People- Ewwwww!

Those who live or spend a good amount of time in the Valley of the Sun will notice that, like all states, Arizona has its share of religious wackos and

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It's Not Over Yet.

I, for one, am elated that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals found Prop 8 Unconstitutional.  Source . However, I would be remiss if I didn’t at least bring up

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