News & Media
Receiving DMCA protections while remaining anonymous: Having your cake and eating it too
By J. DeVoy A significant portion of the blogosphere – or at least what I read of it – acts under cover of anonymity. I think this is important, especially given the candid statements these authors make about political matters and issues of public concern – particularly because these sentiments are far outside the mainstream. In some cases, their voices
Support for Marijuana Legalization Breaks 50%
So says a recent Gallup Poll. (source) Libertarian Five Star General, Rogier Van Bakel says: Popular support for legalizing marijuana is now at 50% — “the highest on record,” says Gallup (good pun there, Gallup). And just out of curiosity, what’s up with the 66% of so-called conservatives who insist on keeping the ‘devil weed’ illegal? They’ll wax poetic about
The Real Housewives of Southie
The Stolen Valor Act: This Time I Agree with the Government
I think that I am the only member of the First Amendment Lawyers’ Association who thinks that the Stolen Valor Act should be upheld. The Act makes it unlawful to falsely claim that you were awarded a military medal. The 9th Circuit struck down the law: “The sad fact is, most people lie about some aspects of their lives from
More Righthaven Fun – Urgent Appeal
Since my firm is handling this litigation, I will keep my comments somewhat neutral. Our old friend, Righthaven was ordered to pay $34,000 to a guy they wrongly sued. Righthaven didn’t pay. Righthaven begged the court to excuse it from paying. The Court told it to pay or it post a bond for that amount. Righthaven filed an “urgent” motion
Philadelphia > New York (when it comes to appreciation for the First Amendment)
Say what you want about the merits of the “occupy” movement. Whether you think they are the left-wing tea party, freedom fighters, speaking truth to power, simpleton dirty hippies playing hacky sack, they still have a First Amendment right to peaceably assemble. And the asshat award winner, Michael Bloomberg, is renting out the NYPD to Citibank, and he takes the
Can Connecticut take porn from its prisoners? Should it?
Many concerns come to mind when someone thinks about spending time in prison. First and foremost, there is always the risk of being shanked with a very, very sharp toothbrush. For the financial criminals, there is the distinct shame of being bested by Bernie Madoff in a game of badminton. This is to say nothing for the fable of being
Stupid Unamerican Hippies at Occupy Wall Street Protest
/end sarcasm [youtube=]
Don't Get a Warrant in Essex County.
The Supreme Court has been tapped to decide if it’s OK to strip search someone who is in custody for a minor traffic offense. Source. Albert Florence had a warrant for an unpaid traffic ticket, which he eventually took care of, but in a “whoops, my bad” moment Essex County didn’t remove the discharged warrant from its computer system. So,
Why Good Cops Should Like Citizens Filming Their Activities
Because sometimes the Cops are right. Not only right, but they show incredible restraint when perhaps even more aggressive responses are appropriate. [youtube=] Source, Carlos Miller.
Reverse Graffiti
Awesomeness. These guys drive around cleaning grime off of public surfaces, and leaving art behind. [youtube=] This video was filmed in Riga, Latvia. That’s probably why they were able to do it without some shit head confusing it with terrorism.
Move over, Coca-Cola. Hooters Restaurant (of bodacious tatas and BBQ wings fame) is suing some restaurant group called La Cima for theft of their trade secrets. La Cima wants to open up a bunch of boobie restaurants of their own called Twin Peaks. Source. Apparently, Hooters’ former Vice President of Ops bailed to go be the CEO of La Cima Restaurants
Shocking revelation: Piracy hurts individuals!
By J. DeVoy In a stunning revelation sure to be devastating to freetards everywhere, not everyone who creates copyrightable work is Lars Ulrich or some ponytailed douchebag driving a BMW 7-series while demanding that the RIAA sue more people so his fat, dumb and entitled daughter can have a pony. The common plea from the anti-enforcement community can be summarized
For the Record … Anti-Mormonism is not "bigotry" (neither is any other anti-religious sentiment)
James Fallows over at the Atlantic says, “Just for the Record: Anti-Mormonism Is Bigotry Too.” No. No it is not. Fallows sums his position up: To be against Mitt Romney (or Jon Huntsman or Harry Reid or Orrin Hatch) because of his religion is just plain bigotry. Exactly as it would have been to oppose Barack Obama because of his
Federal/State Showdown
From Charles Platt I’m sketchy on this aspect of Constitutional law, but isn’t the Justice Department strongly influenced by presidential policy, formally or informally? I don’t watch TV, so I don’t know how much play this story is getting, but doesn’t it seem utterly outrageous, bearing in mind that the Commander in Chief is an admitted former cocaine user? From
Marijuana really brings out the asshole statist in everyone, doesn't it?
Federal prosecutors decided that it is time to make examples of the Californians who are supplying marijuana to willing customers. Their rationale: People are making money off of it. Their heartstring argument, we can’t have people selling marijuana in stores near parks and schools. Yes, “what about the children?” [youtube=] And a few states over, a Papa Johns pizza delivery
While you're busy fellating Steve Jobs' corpse…
I don’t know if it is just my network of Facebook friends or what, but I’m getting a little sick of the public mourning in the wake of Steve Jobs’ death. (Edit – Clearly it is not just my friends who are fuckwits – see this gem sent by my friend, ADM) Honestly, if you left flowers at an apple
Sexy Sax Man
And now, for something completely different… and awesome. [youtube=]
This is COLUMBUS DAY. I’d like to invite anyone whose name ends with a vowel (Persians excluded) to raise their hands, extend their middle fingers, and flip off the Native Americans, the hippies, and everyone else in the International Association of Crybabies who has a piss and a moan about Christopher Columbus. This is not “indigenous people’s day,” it is
In defense of juggalos
By J. DeVoy It’s easy to laugh at freaks made up like clowns, devoted to the rap group Insane Clown Posse, who call themselves “juggalos.” It’s harder to serve up a cogent defense of the subculture. Nonetheless, In Mala Fide serves up a detailed analysis in this recent post.