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What is the sound of one hand clapping?

Apparently it sounds an awful lot like “Europe’s last dictator” Alexander Lukashenko feeling all butthurt. Lukashenko, the dictator of Belarus has ordered a crackdown on political protests. In order to

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And the inevitable happens…

Some dipshit insists upon passing “Caylee’s Law.” AUSTIN, Texas — Texas state Sen. Chris Harris says he will introduce a new law to make it a felony for a parent

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Why was this written?

By J. DeVoy The Buffalo News: “Abandoned Cat Loses Weight, Gains Confidence“.  Who knew that cats and teenage girls had so much in common – and that it took more

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And, speaking of the devil…

By J. DeVoy One of Iceland’s largest and most active volcanos, dubbed the “Gateway to Hell” in the Middle Ages, is ready to erupt again.  Significance: Europe, in the spasms

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Every girl should be required to go to a “what photoshop does” class by the time they are 10 years old. Either that, or news publications should be required to

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