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Charitable Satyriconistas

By Vaughn Greenwalt Keeping with the spirit of giving this Christmas holiday season, we at The Legal Satyricon are giving back to the causes we support. It is our hope

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Increasing the tax base

This editorial calls for the elimination of the charitable giving deduction. He says that the mortgage deduction is firmly in place, given the current housing market. I disagree. It would

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Amazon Censoring Kindle Title List

by Charles Platt After Amazon caved in and removed _The Pedophile’s Guide to Love and Pleasure_, other titles with erotic content are now being targeted. The currently uncertain situation is

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Big Win for Common Sense and EFF

The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed common sense this week.  In U.S. v. Warshak, the Sixth Circuit ruled the government must obtain a search warrant prior to a search

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Introducing Vaughn Greenwalt

Faithful Satyricon Readers: I come to you after arriving entirely overdressed (and Moto Guzzi-less) for an interview with Marc in San Diego. My name is Vaughn Greenwalt, and I am

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