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Buddhist Thais Love Christmas

It seems that Christmas is an increasingly popular holiday in Thailand, despite the fact that Thailand has managed to (for the most part) resist the infection of mass Christianity. All

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So now they want to ban another plant

In the wake of the Miley Cyrus “controversy,” California State Assemblyman Anthony Adams is whining like a temperance movement whore to revive his failed attempt to ban salvia divinorum, commonly

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Jag älskar Sverige!

Two bomb blasts rocked Stockholm yesterday. Just before the blasts, an email was sent to a Swedish news agency protesting the presence of Swedish troops in Afghanistan. (source) I used

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Write a poem, go to jail

by Charles Platt The text of the poem is circulating freely online, so, here it is: — THE SNIPER As the tyrant enters his cross hairs the breath he takes

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Go Bernie Go!

Bernie Sanders is filibustering the fucked up tax-cuts-for-billionaires bill. Thank you, Mr. Sanders, for being the only remaining member of the Senate who gives a shit about us. (Live here

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Leave Miley Alone

So Miley Cyrus got caught smoking out of a bong. BFD. She’s 18. That is what 18 year olds do. Cyrus claims that the bong was loaded with salvia, not

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