An Activist Law Firm

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Northwestern University: anti-sex whining trumps academic freedom

Last week, a human sexuality class at Northwestern University was followed by a non-mandatory demonstration. The professor warned everyone that it would be “explicit and graphic.” 467 of the 567 students in the class left. 100 stayed behind “to watch a sexual act involving a woman, a man and an electric-powered device.” (source) Initially, Northwestern had a pair of academic balls. As the incident gained notoriety in the Chicago media, Northwestern University initially supported Prof. Bailey. “The university supports the efforts of its faculty to further the advancement of knowledge,” a Northwestern spokesman said earlier this week. “Northwestern University faculty members engage in teaching and research on a wide variety of topics, some of them controversial.” (source) But, after an

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Gaddafi's son says "oops, my bad"

Libyan government bombing raids on Brega were a “big misunderstanding” designed to scare off rebels, according to Saif al-Islam, son of Col Muammar Gaddafi. (source) Well, I don’t know about you, but I am certainly very glad that he cleared that up. We can all move on now.

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Boat "owners" withdraw from Somali waters after a rash of boat-sharing incidents

Unbelievable. So get this… these crybaby rich people have decided that they won’t sail their boats in the Gulf of Aden anymore because of too much “boat sharing” going on there. (source) The problem is not the boat-sharers. Boat-sharing is the future of boating. These so-called “boat owners” miss the fundamental point that boats should be free. Boats are made of wood. Wood comes from trees. Trees are living things and thus should not be bought or sold. And, if boats aren’t free, well the ocean belongs to everyone. If you put your boat on the ocean, you should be prepared to share it with anyone else who might want to use it. Of course, there is an option. If

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Magic Underwear Hoops Dismissal

Brigham Young University has dismissed Brandon Davies– integral member of their #3 nationally ranked men’s hoops team, avg. 11.1 pts and 6.2 rebounds per game. Davies committed a grievous offense to warrant such harsh action by BYU. Best player on the team or not, Davies was dismissed due to his failure to “live a chaste and virtuous life” as mandated by the schools honor code. This apparently unchaste sophomore was “caught” having sex with… wait for it… HIS GIRLFRIEND! BYU coach Dave Rose gave comment: “Everybody who comes to BYU, every student if they’re an athlete or not an athlete, they make a commitment when they come… a lot of people try to judge if this is right or wrong,

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GOD HATES ALITO! Westboro Baptist Church Wins – First Amendment is Preserved

The Supreme Court handed down its decision in Snyder v. Phelps, otherwise known as the “God Hates Fags” case. To understand this case, you must unplug your emotional reaction to the speech that brought about the case in the first place. The fact is, nobody likes the Westboro Baptist Church. Or, more to the point, nobody worth a damn does. If you are one of the three people in America who does not know about Westboro, here it is: Westboro is a “church” made up of some lowlives from Kansas. These lowlives believe that there is a magic zombie who lives in space. By the way, the space zombie is Jewish. They think that the space zombie, and his father,

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Supreme Court makes corporations slightly less impervious to FOIA disclosures

By J. DeVoy In FCC v. AT&T Inc., No. 09-1279 – released today – the Supreme Court seems to have taken a position that will unite the politically liberal, who believe the right of privacy should be upheld for individuals, and the conservatives who doubt the propriety of any rights not enumerated in the Constitution or its amendments. This case arises from a dispute between the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and telecom giant AT&T, which was resolved with a consent decree in 2004.  CompTel, a trade organization representing some of AT&T’s competitors, submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the FCC, seeking pleadings and other documents produced in its investigation of AT&T and subsequent settlement.  AT&T opposed CompTel’s

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Arizona Bar issues ethics opinion allowing AZ attorneys to give advice on medical marijuana

The Arizona Bar just issued an ethics opinion that essentially says that Arizona lawyers can advise Arizonans on medical marijuana issues, despite the fact that doing so would be a lawyer advising a client on how to break federal law. The opinion concludes: Lawyers may ethically advise clients about complying with the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act, including advising them about compliance with Arizona law, assisting them to establish business entities, and formally representing clients before a governmental agency regarding licensing and certification issues, but only in the narrow circumstances set forth in this opinion and only if lawyers strictly adhere to those requirements. (Op.) Those narrow circumstances include advising the client that the conduct is still against federal law. Lets

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This is what a hero looks like

Well, I don’t have pictures of them, but the story shows you all you need to know. Benghazi, Libya erupted into protests against the autocratic regime of Moammar Gadaffi. In fact, reports say that the protesters are in control of the city. Gadaffi scrambled two Mirage jets and ordered them to bomb the uppity protesters. The two pilots, Colonels in the Libyan air force, instead flew their jets to Malta and defected. (source) This reminds me of the story of the People Power revolution, in the Philippines, when then-president Ferdinand Marcos sent helicopter gunships to destroy the rebel headquarters. Instead, they landed there and saluted Fidel Ramos, the rebel leader, and told him “sir, you have your air force.” I’m

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Most Extreme "Terrorist Threat" Story?

by Charles Platt Of course this is only one side of the story. But since it emanates from a law firm, I hope it is at least factually sound. I sure hope Murtha&Murtha are around to defend me when it’s my turn.

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On the Wisconsin Riots

By J. DeVoy To the Wisconsinites who have turned out to support public employees over the last two days: You’ve been duped.  I don’t wish any ill will on individual public employees in the state of Wisconsin.  But if you are not in this favored class, or married to one of them, you’re being manipulated.  I pity you. What the employees and their sympathizers don’t realize is that things are going to be much, much worse down the road.  Teacher layoffs will become district closures and county-wide consolidations in a desperate bid to stay solvent and spread costs far enough to provide minimal services.  Just wait until the yuppies in Whitefish Bay have to integrate their school district with Milwaukee

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Hey Flori-duh, thanks for the $2.4 billion!

You know Flori-duh… the only way to get elected there is to screech about God, Guns, and Gays. Rick Scott, the latest visionary to serve as Governor of America’s Wang, just said “no thanks” to $2.4 billion in federal funds to start Florida’s high-speed rail project. The GOP doesn’t like projects that threaten the profits of our Saudi overlords. Republican C.C. “Doc” Dockery, former chairman of the Florida High Speed Rail Commission, told the Tampa Tribune that today was “a great day for the citizens of California, who will be getting billions of dollars that Florida didn’t want and the thousands of jobs that come with the money.”(source) Of course, I’ll agree that high speed rail from Tampa to Orlando

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Something is missing from this story

Josue Hernandez went to a bar in Naples, Florida (of course), and bought drinks for a bunch of ladies for four hours. Then, he figured out that they were cross-dressers. So he flipped out, started fights, and started smashing bottles. You know, to prove his manhood and all that. You’ve got a group of trans genders in a bar. That strongly suggests that the bar must have a high degree of fabulousness. How the fuck did THAT GUY get into a bar like that?

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Rep. Dan Burton, (R-Ind) is what you’d probably call a “horse’s ass.” First, he co-sponsored the “Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act,” which would impose a three year jail sentence for anyone “possessing, shipping, transporting, purchasing, selling, delivering, or receiving any horse, horse flesh, or carcass with the intent that it be used for human consumption.” (The bill’s Democrat sponsor was John Conyers, D-Mich.). Of course, there’s too many damn horses in the United States, and they keep on breeding. So what to do… what to do…. Here comes Dan Burton again. He wants to spend federal funds to give horses birth control. (source). Meanwhile, his republican colleagues want to cut funding for birth control for humans.

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I hereby forsake Atheism

I’m sorry if this throws you all for a loop. I realize that my hostility to religion is a bit of a cornerstone of the Legal Satyricon. But, well, Randazza abides…

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