News & Media
Truth Wins Out in Defamation Suit
A New Jersey plaintiff sued the local democratic party for circulating flyers that mentioned the opposing candidate’s criminal record. The plaintiff was under the impression that the flyers were defamatory, because his record had been expunged. Firstamendmentpwned. “These flyers are, as a matter of law, not defamatory because the information contained in them is true. It is undisputed that plaintiff
Meshuggenah lawsuit tossed out on its tuchus
The plaintiff in this case belonged to a cult that has a practice of placing men on a “shun list” in order to convince them to give their wives a divorce. The cult’s newspaper published the husband’s name on its “shun list,” but one of its newspaper reporters mixed up whether it was a an official shun, or just a
Even I wouldn't take these "First Amendment" cases
It certainly annoys me when I see others’ First Amendment rights being abused. However, it is almost as annoying when I hear people wank about how their First Amendment rights are being trampled upon, and there is just no such thing going on. Take this asshat, for example. According to reports, he was screaming out in the street, hitting parked
Paris Hilton continues her IP education… from the defendant’s chair
by Jason Fischer After getting the go-ahead from the Ninth Circuit earlier this year on her “That’s Hot!” trademark infringement case against Hallmark, hotel heiress Paris Hilton has apparently signed up (although unwillingly) for another intellectual property lesson. This time, she’s going to be studying design patents. Her professor, a footwear designer called Gwyneth Shoes, claims that its design patent
The correct answer is "sterlize me"
LawGuru Answers presents this question: After a fight with my boyfriend, he said he was coming to my house to take back all the things he has given me during our relationship. After he knocked for awhile at my door, I heard him yell at my cat because it supposedly scratched him. I finally let him in and he went
"His penis was left bruised and swollen but otherwise unharmed."
ouch. Apparently, the guy stuck his dick in a metal pipe and then became “aroused,” thus making it impossible to remove his penis from the metal orifice. The firefighters used the four-and-a-half-inch grinder to cut the pipe from around the man’s penis and it took about 30 minutes. The patient was given an anaesthetic and his penis was left bruised
She obviously doesn't know Dick about intellectual property law
The awesome-as-fuck movie, Blade Runner is based upon the novel “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”, by Philip K. Dick. In the novel, the “artificial humans” that the protagonist is tasked with “retiring” are the “Nexus-6” models. The Google phone launched this week is the “Nexus One.” And Isa Dick Hackett, Philip K. Dick’s daughter thinks that this is an
Lesbian stabbed in eye for being a lesbian
By J. DeVoy I wanna belong, I wanna be proud; But your gay-bashing voices are so fuckin’ loud -Bill Moseley*, “Feelin’ Chicken“ A Buffalo woman was stabbed in the eye by two other women as she exited a popular lesbian bar on New Year’s Eve. As if this wasn’t horrific enough, two women were arrested in an unrelated incident for
Streisand 101
by Jason Fischer In an effort (I’m assuming) to be hip and relevant, my alma mater (and Randazza’s previous teaching gig) has begun adding courses to their curriculum that have little to do with the law or lawyering. One example is a course called “Popular Culture and the Law,” to which the registrar has assigned the following course description: This
Smart Lawyer Gets No Sympathy from the Court
by Richard J. Mockler A story published by on Christmas Eve really got my attention. So, when is it fair to revisit the terms of your divorce? That may depend on who you are. Yes, a final judgment or decree is supposed to be “final.” But, in family law cases, there are occasions where it is completely appropriate and sometimes even necessary
Criminalizing chicken nuggets would reduce crime
By J. DeVoy Most readers are familiar with this Florida woman, who called 911 three times to protest her local McDonald’s running out of chicken nuggets. (Can I say McNuggets and claim fair use? I think nuggets is the proper term, since other fast food eateries call their deep-friend chicken blobs things like tenders, strips, and, blandly, nuggets.) Ohio, the wonderful
Brit Hume is fortunate that he doesn't know a damn thing about Buddhism
Brit Hume chimed in on Tiger Woods’ recent marital issues by giving us this bit of ignorance that only Fox News could provide: …Whether he can recover as a person depends on “his faith. He’s said to be a Buddhist. I don’t think that faith offers the kind of forgiveness and redeption that is offered by the Christian faith. So
Attention J.D. holders and soon-to-be grads: Expatriation information here!
By J. DeVoy One of the things holding recent and soon-to-be law grads back from expatriation — other than the global dearth of jobs — is the constant fear that they’ll be pulled back to the United States and have their lives ruined. This concern is reasonable, as the U.S. has a very broad global reach. The IRS can tax
Arcade Culture and Law School
by Christopher Harbin I spent the better part of my youth in arcades. A latch-key kid with oodles of unsupervised time, I was lucky to find the allure of Galaga more appealing than beating a cat to death with a plastic golf club like my neighbor did. Arcades kept me out of trouble but better yet taught me everything I
It’s crap like this that is going to pay for my first house. Thanks ICANN! So, when do I get the ability to register my cool penis symbol? Would be confusingly similar to Sounds like a law review article in the making. I gotta get writing.
To do in 2010
By J. DeVoy 1) Expatriate. Or at least think about it. Exhibit A: [youtube=] (NSFW, obviously.) /list
To offset my usual cynicism and snark, here’s a movie trailer for a flick that actually looks like it might be worth $10 to see — and if you don’t smile after watching the clip, then you’re not human. Here’s to the hope that, no matter who you are, that when 2010 is over, you are happier, smarter, and more
Speech suppression and sex
By J. DeVoy Sex is the only reason anybody does anything. Wars have been fought over women, great men have mutilated themselves over them, and men generally acquire money, power and status to increase their desirability and ability to obtain sex. Sure, there’s the benefit of money, fame and the respect of the community, but traditionally sex has been part
Rest in Slack, Brother
In honor of Cliff Heller, who merged with the infinite on this day in 2006, the Legal Satyricon flag is lowered to half mast and there will be no posts today. If you happen to find yourself with a bottle of tequila nearby, I would like to invite you to take a shot (no salt) in his honor. [youtube=]
Indiana Governor lives up to Indiana's negative stereotypes; nobody surprised
By J. DeVoy In a recent interview, Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels talked candidly about his Christian beliefs and values. Referring to Matthew 6: 1-6, Daniels describes his prayer and almsgiving as “private,” something done for himself and not for posturing before others. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for his tolerance of other religions, or people who subscribe to no