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Palin Confusion

Many people are confused by Sarah Palin. But, it seems that a recent parody of her book has confused a lot of people as to which one is the real

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The Weblog Awards

Whatever. I mean, yeah, it would be sweet as hell to win. I’m not holding my breath though. Nevertheless, if you want to go vote for us, click here and

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Porn is "inescapable"

Monica Hesse, a writer for the Washington Post, seems to have a porn paranoia issue. Her article “Publicly, a whole new lewdness” has a decidedly Comstockian bent to it. But,

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This is SPARTA!!!!

Okay, not exactly… but the Citizen Media Law Project has launched its Online Media Law Network. Good coverage of it here by one of my favorite journalists.

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This must be one of the strangest, but (to me at least) funniest public hobbies on the internet. Christopher Jorgensen writes letters with just the right dash of snark and

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