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MEEP – M33P is teh L33T!

Today, I was at the Children’s museum in San Diego, and I scrawled MEEP on the chalkboard. You know why? Because it’s my goddamned right to do so, and because

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Damn Dirty Apes! A Call to Arms!

Ladies and gentlemen, I have a few questions for you. I’m just asking… no, I’m not just asking, I’m RAISING THE ALARM!!!!! More terrifying than SARS, Bird Flu, and H1N1

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Best. Wedding. Ever.

The St. Petersburg Times reports: TAMPA — Mary Wright, 74, was thrilled Sunday night to see her grandson marry his longtime sweetheart in a beautiful, white wedding at the waterfront

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Glenn Beck's UDRP Complaint Gets The Smack Down

First Amendment juggernaut Marc Randazza is having a very good week.  On Wednesday, Professor Donald Marvin Jones a/k/a the “Nutty Professor”voluntarily dismissed his invasion of privacy lawsuit against Randazza’s client Above the

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Asshat or Imbecile?

Lets say you make $94,000 a year in a great job as a clerk at the Massachusetts Court of Appeals. Lets then say that some kid emails you asking you

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Wonderful Things

Science fact of the day: Blowjobs provide an evolutionary advantage. Boingboing. Quote of the day: “The First Amendment means nothing if we don’t protect reprehensible speech.” Jon Katz.

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Shame on Maine

Maine’s citizens have voted to repeal the civil rights of their neighbors. Shame on Maine. I wonder how this vote squares with the Maine Constitution. Article I in the Maine

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