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This week in good deeds

By J. DeVoy Earlier this week I tried to start Ferdinand Bardamu’s political career.  I submitted evidence of my efforts to him, which is available at In Mala Fide.

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Blog L00t!

Hola! Chris is back with more L00T!  This is a lovely collection of the best from the friends of the Satyricon this week. Corporate Stiffness is Bad for Innovation, Particularly

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Blog L00T: Another Installment.

This is Chris, back again for another update of the L00T!  Our blawgers-in-crime have been posting a multitude of sensational stories, stories we’ll think you’ll enjoy reading… Some Judges Prefer

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By J. DeVoy [youtube=] …And Epic Why Guy is born.  Sometimes you’ve just gotta shop!  As much as the American education system receives its due bashings, apparently the Canadian system needs

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Girl Drink Drunk

By J. DeVoy The greatest Kids in the Hall clip of all time. [youtube=]

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Anti-Seizure Precautions

by Charles Platt Recently I was talking to a criminal attorney who handles a lot of drug cases. I asked him this question: In the state of Arizona, how much

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