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Tax day arrives!

  By J. DeVoy Dear the top 10% of income earners:  Thank you!  Because of your toil as business owners, doctors, lawyers and financial service experts, you are able to

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There Goes the Neighborhood

In Eastwood (near Syracuse, NY), a church congregation is up in arms because a video store is opening next door and they intend to have adult videos available. (source) Roosevelt

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The hidden cost of single mothers

By J. DeVoy In honor of filing my taxes, here’s some information about the tax benefits that men, families and child-free women won’t be receiving this season.  From Butterfly Squash:

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Reasons why you're miserable

By J. DeVoy This list from warrants sharing.  It’s so nearly perfect that commentary or additions are superfluous.  The next time someone wonders why it seems the world is

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