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Carlos Miller on Crystal Cox

Color me embarrassed. Carlos Miller is one of my First Amendment heroes. He fights for the rights of photographers everywhere. I’m not talking as some cushy lawyer. He is in

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Two Wheeled Awesomeness

[youtube=] Disclaimer: I am trademark counsel to Ryca Motors. Super Brag: I am trademark counsel to Ryca Motors.

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I hate "hate crimes"

And so does Rogier Van Bakel over at Nobody’s Business. No sense in me writing about them when he covers every single base, here. Being greatly upset does not give

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Viva San Giuseppe!

Today is St. Joseph’s day. In Italy, they treat it like father’s day (naturally, as San Giuseppe is the patron saint of fatherhood). In my family, this day was another

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Thought for the day

“Too much and too long, we seem to have surrendered community excellence and community values in the mere accumulation of material things. Our gross national product … if we should

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Was St. Patrick Really Italian?

Irish is, without a doubt, the dominant immigrant culture in Massachusetts. Growing up there, in a town where Sicilians were the plurality, St. Patrick’s Day was always a little underwhelming.

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