Damn Dirty Apes! A Call to Arms!
Ladies and gentlemen, I have a few questions for you. I’m just asking… no, I’m not just asking, I’m RAISING THE ALARM!!!!! More terrifying than SARS, Bird Flu, and H1N1
Ladies and gentlemen, I have a few questions for you. I’m just asking… no, I’m not just asking, I’m RAISING THE ALARM!!!!! More terrifying than SARS, Bird Flu, and H1N1
by Jason Fischer Maybe I’m just too young to realize that it’s always been effed up this way, but when I was a kid, I used to think it meant
Oh, if only Diogenes were still alive. I’m pretty sure this is real.
Off topic, but I’m a junkie for this kind of news. The mission website, courtesy of LulzRulez
No, not Dick Cheney.
Ann Althouse goes medieval on modern-day perversions of the Earl of Sandwich’s dream. I heartily concur. See The Sandwich Manifesto
Wow… Stanley Kobierowski, 34, of North Providence Rhode Island was arrested with a … wait for it… a .491 blood alcohol content. Lets put that in perspective for you. This
Joey over at Good Morning Gloucester was approached by a journalist from Marie Claire magazine who was seeking a comment on the Gloucester “pregnancy pact” non-story. (I blogged on this
Techcrunch says “Think Before You Voicemail” and I wholeheartedly agree. The whole Techcrunch article is worth reading, but it boils down to this: Voicemail is dead. Please tell everyone so
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efZQhYu1E5s] Dedicated to Scott and Jon.
A cool article from Hard Knox Life.
This is my first blog posting from my new Mac. I went over to Windows during law school, because you had to have special software to access Lexis and Westlaw,