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Jones Day Trademark Claim Update

Update:  Judge John Darrah of the Northern District of Illinois denied Blockshoppers’ motion to dismiss Jones Day’s trademark claims.  A quick recap:  Blockshopper is a website that reports on real

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Can You Buy Porn on Flag Day?

Adultland XXX, an adult bookstore in Pulaski Township, Pennsylvania succeeded in its quest to overturn a finding that Adultland violated the Pulaski adult entertainment ordinance by, of all things, remaining

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The 8 Most Underrated Muppets

The PC police have ruined most of our childhood favorites. Bugs Bunny is censored now as “racist,” the Road Runner is “too violent,” and the Cookie Monster eats celery! If

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You So Smart

This website claims to analyze what “type” a blog is. By extension, this would also suggest what “type” the bolg’s readers are. Here’s the result for Legal Satyricon: The logical

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The Recession Isn't All Bad News

Quizlaw reports that the recession appears to be hurting the douchebaggery industry: [Y]ou know what the best part of the recession is? Focus on the Family, the right-wing nutjob institute

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Are Speech Codes Coming Back?

Before Constitution voters start doing a victory dance over the Obama win, lets not forget that threats to free speech come from the left as often as they come from

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