News & Media
The 8 Most Underrated Muppets
The PC police have ruined most of our childhood favorites. Bugs Bunny is censored now as “racist,” the Road Runner is “too violent,” and the Cookie Monster eats celery! If you are an old fart sitting around wondering, “what is this world coming to when you can’t even show an ACME anvil falling on a coyote’s head”? then you’ll love
TSA Security Theater Proven Useless, TSA Declares Victory Anyhow
This just in from the “tell me something I didn’t already know” department. It turns out that the TSA’s program to screen people who seem nervous (according to their Behavior Detection Officers) is useless. After annoying the ever loving fuck out of screening 160,000 sheep travelers, the BDOs have netted 1,266 arrests for drug possession and carrying fake IDs and
"Happy Holidays" Cause of Economic Crisis
Ken over at Popehat points out the latest Wall Street Journal bizzaro-world editorial; one which bears further gawking. According to editorial page Deputy Editor Daniel Henninger, the cause of the current economic crisis can be boiled down to the cultural trend to offer your neighbor a “Happy Holidays” instead of the more traditional “Merry Christmas.” This year we celebrate the
You So Smart
This website claims to analyze what “type” a blog is. By extension, this would also suggest what “type” the bolg’s readers are. Here’s the result for Legal Satyricon: The logical and analytical type. They are especialy attuned to difficult creative and intellectual challenges and always look for something more complex to dig into. They are great at finding subtle connections
The First Amendment Is A Beautiful Thing
Often we are challenged to remember the importance of the First Amendment in the context of truly objectionable expression, such as hate speech. But every once in a while, the truly objectionable transgresses into the truly hilarious – as is the case with this gem. It’s an amicus brief filed in the California Supreme Court by the Kingdom of Heaven:
This is how we do it, baby
The Recession Isn't All Bad News
Quizlaw reports that the recession appears to be hurting the douchebaggery industry: [Y]ou know what the best part of the recession is? Focus on the Family, the right-wing nutjob institute of religious zealotry that just spent $500,000 to defeat Prop 8 in California, is having to lay off 20 percent of its workforce! Yay for unemployed bigots! Want more: Oral
Douchetastic Defamation Suit Filed in Nevada
Michael Minelli, a 27-year old “club promoter,” is spewing vinegar at Simon and Schuster, publisher of the book Hot Chicks with Douchebags. Apparently, Mr. Minelli finds the description “douchebag” to be inaccurate, and to say the least, neither sweet nor fresh. In his complaint, Minelli seeks at least $10,000 in damages per count in his five-count action for defamation, intentional
Medway, Mass. May Increase Areas Available for Adult Entertainment
The town of Medway, Mass. is considering expanding the size, but changing the location, of its adult entertainment zoning district. At this time, the only place in Medway where adult entertainment businesses can locate is “a small trapezoidal block on Rte. 109, east of Pond Street.” (source) Resident Mark Cerel, a municipal lawyer and the town moderator, said he is
Are Speech Codes Coming Back?
Before Constitution voters start doing a victory dance over the Obama win, lets not forget that threats to free speech come from the left as often as they come from the right. See Unlike Others, U.S. Defends Freedom to Offend in Speech. The article quotes a “legal philosopher” as saying that he isn’t sure that the Europeans are wrong –
News Flash – California Supreme Court to Consider Constitutionality of Prop 8
Just over an hour ago, the California Supreme Court issued an order stating that it will hear the challenge to the consitutionality of Proposition 8, the ballot measure banning same-sex marriage in California which was approved by voters in this month’s election. The issues to be heard by the Court are: (1) Is Proposition 8 invalid because it constitutes a
Your New Job's "No Wussies" Health Plan
By Jessica Christensen, Employment Law Correspondent Who says the AFL-CIO doesn’t have a sense of humor? Joining the viral-video age, “big labor” brings you “Your New Job,” endorsing the Employee Free Choice Act (which I previously wrote about here). [youtube=]
Strip Club Coming Soon (Just Kidding – Local Pols Freak Out Anyway)
The town of Simsbury, CT woke up to find a sign in front of an abandoned Ford dealership announcing the arrival of a new adult entertainment establishment by the name of Titti City. The Hartford Courant reports that local police suspect that the sign was merely a practical joke. The Courant does not report why this was a police matter.
Look Who is Against Proposition 8
The California Council of Churches has petitioned the California Supreme Court to invalidate Proposition 8 on the same grounds as gay rights groups have claimed — that Prop. 8 was not a constitutional amendment, but rather a constitutional revision — which requires more than a vote of the electorate. “Proposition 8 poses a grave threat to religious freedom,” said Rev.
Contest – Identify this Item
Yes, some organization is encouraging its members to ring in the holiday season with this lovely display. Who is it? [polldaddy poll=1120013] Answer here
Ted Stevens Loses
Convicted Felon Ted Stevens (R-AK) has apparently, finally, lost his bid for re-election to the Senate. The really good news? Had he been re-elected, he likely would have been expelled from the Senate, and then Bible Spice (a.k.a. Sarah Palin) would have either been allowed to appoint a successor, or there would have had to be a special election. Had
Indiana Public School Offers Christianity Classes – Gets Sued
Horace Mann Elementary School in Huntington County, Indiana, allows a local church to provide an in-school religious indoctrination program to third- and fourth-grade students. Those who choose to participate in the program are released from school for one hour per week in order to attend the “By the Book Weekday Religious Instruction” provided by the Associated Churches of Huntington. “By
Naked Bike Ride Protected by the First Amendment
Michael “Bobby” Hammond, 21, inspired by his recent participation in the annual World Naked Bike Ride — an event that protests against car culture, decided to take his vintage 10-speed bicycle for a spin through the streets of Portland, Oregon while wearing nothing but a bicycle helmet. Portland Police were not amused. Mr. Hammond was arrested for indecent exposure under
Indiana's "In God We Trust" License Plate Upheld
In January, 2007, the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles began offering 75 different specialty license plates including an “In God We Trust” option. The first 74 plates required payment of a $15 administrative fee. The In God We Trust plate was free. The ACLU challenged the cost differential. However, the Marion (Indiana) county court dismissed the case — accepting the