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"Intelligent Design" PWNED

Richard Dawkins rocks. [youtube=] And the follow up [youtube=] ALL YOUR SUPERSTITION ARE BELONG TO US!

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"Defamation of Religion"

The Wall Street Journal Law Blog gives us “Defamation of Religion” — The New International Legal Craze? Apparently, the United Nations is beginning to embrace the idea that there should

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When we hit 100,000 visitors, I saw it coming and held a little contest. It looks like the quarter million eyeballs mark just snuck up on me a bit. Now

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Lulz over "Lulz"

It is always funny to see kids get the better of a journalist. This Sunday’s New York Times article The Trolls Among Us has at least one hilarious example. “Lulz”

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Laptop Detention

There is a reason why I don’t take my *good laptop* outside the country. We have turned into a nation of mewling cowards — prepared to sell our freedom for

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Welcome to the Roll, QuizLaw

I don’t know why QuizLawhasn’t made it to the roll earlier. But, now that QuizLaw announced that the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is Seth’s favorite charity — my hand

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The New Pledge

I do believe that a Pledge of Allegiance is an appropriate and positive exercise. However, when it is nothing more than reciting meaningless drivel about a piece of cloth, it

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Massachusetts Opens its Arms

Add this to the billion reasons I’m proud to be a Masshole. After the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled that “equal protection” means… well, “equal protection,” and thus gays could marry

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Sam Brownback Can't Spell Irony

One of my favorite targets for the ass-hat award, the normally-uber-swine Sam Brownback is on the right side of an internet freedom issue. The Chinese government (enshrined with a permanent

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Gators Attack Juicy Campus

University of Florida Student Body President, Kevin Riley, and Chief Information Officer, Marc Hoit, recently issued this letter to the Florida Attorney General asking that the Florida Office of the

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