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Another Monica Blows It

When you are a Republican hack and even a Bush controlled Department of Justice determines that you broke the law, you’re probably screwed. See Justice Dept. report concludes aides broke

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Blood Alcohol Champion!

Wow… Stanley Kobierowski, 34, of North Providence Rhode Island was arrested with a … wait for it… a .491 blood alcohol content. Lets put that in perspective for you. This

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New York Times Snubs McCain

The Times gave Obama some editorial space, and McCain submitted his own response. The op-ed editor, David Shipley, a former Clinton speechwriter and special assistant to Billy wrote: I’d be

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The Third Circuit Trifecta

Someone must have conjured the spirit of Thomas Jefferson this week. The Third Circuit has issued three cases, in one week, that breathe new life into the wilting flower of

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Death to Voicemail!

Techcrunch says “Think Before You Voicemail” and I wholeheartedly agree. The whole Techcrunch article is worth reading, but it boils down to this: Voicemail is dead. Please tell everyone so

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Is are kids learning?

[youtube=] Hat tip to Wonkette who had this hilariously snarky analysis. This, presumably, was to explain this secret classified report: If you have to spend more money on one thing,

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The Economist for $12

For $12 a yearfor 12 issues, how can you go wrong? and enter code B68. (I previously miscalculated this as $12 for a year. Ooops. But, to keep the

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FCC Gets Punked Again

When, oh when, will the FCC learn that it too is governed by the First Amendment? The Third Circuit held that although the FCC possesses the authority to regulate indecent

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