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Elder Porn in Japan

CNN reports on a booming niche in Japan — elder porn. Besides his glowing complexion, Shigeo Tokuda looks like any other 74-year-old man in Japan. Despite suffering a heart attack

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The War on Porn

If you have Showtime, at 10:00 this evening, Dr. Marty Klein will be on Penn & Teller’s show. PENN & TELLER: BULLSHIT!: WAR ON PORN (TVMA – SLD) (2003) In

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Klein on Kozinski

Dr. Klein writes: A judge owns a car and drives it legally. Should she be allowed to preside over a trial that will determine if a car was used illegally?

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Arrested for Cheering

Seven people were arrested for cheering. Cheering what? An Al Quaeda attack? No. Cheering at the death of a puppy? No. Cheering as a mob of people rape a handicapped

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Quote of the Day

Sex is as important as eating or drinking and we ought to allow the one appetite to be satisfied with as little restraint or false modesty as the other. –Marquis

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A Banana is proof of what?

When I think of things that you can do with a banana, proving the existence of a deity does not immediately come to mind. That’s exactly what this goofball does.

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School paper disbanded due to content

From the Boston Globe SACRAMENTO, Calif.—A high school newspaper in California was disbanded after it published a front-page photo of a student burning an American flag, triggering criticism that the

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