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Righthaven loses in Colorado

By J. DeVoy Yesterday, the District of Colorado dismissed Righthaven LLC’s copyright infringement lawsuit against Leland Wolf and the It Makes Sense Blog in Righthaven LLC v. Wolf et al.,

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Two chicks making out…

…is apparently not allowed on Southwest Airlines. (Source) It is allowed, and encouraged, on The Legal Satyricon. [youtube=]

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The Saudis broke my irony meter

The Canadians have a TV ad that touts Canada’s “ethical oil.” This is in contrast to Middle Eastern oil, which comes from dirty piece of shit regimes run by lowlives

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Shame in Irvine

Muslim students hating on Israel. No big story there. Eleven Muslim students decided to, one by one, stand up and interrupt the Israeli ambassador as he gave a speech at

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By the time I get to Arizona….

Tucson Mayor, Bob Walkup, decided that when citizens petition the Tucson Mayor, they must do so “with respect,” or they should be silenced. Who decides what is “respectful?” Mayor Walkup,

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