News & Media
Why I chose dudeism instead of christianity
Dudeism makes way more sense.
I hereby forsake Atheism
I’m sorry if this throws you all for a loop. I realize that my hostility to religion is a bit of a cornerstone of the Legal Satyricon. But, well, Randazza abides…
Dan Snyder is butthurt, SLAPP suit ensues, Irony meter pegged
By Marc J. Randazza Washington Redskins owner, Dan Snyder, seems to have awfully thin skin for a guy who owns a sports team named after a racial insult. Snyder filed a frivolous defamation suit against the Washington City Paper (“WCP”) based upon an article “The Cranky Redskins Fan’s Guide to Dan Snyder.” Snyder accuses the WCP of spreading “lies, half-truths,
Crackdown on Live Streaming of Sporting Events
by Jason Fischer This week, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement shut down a number of websites that were offering live streams of professional sporting events (source). The central claim was that the video delivered through those websites is protected by copyrights. While I’m sure there are some hippies those out there who would take the position that a sporting event
Hunting Hydrogen Balloons With RC Copters
Unfair competition claim against Redtube et al. dismissed under California Anti-SLAPP statute
By J. DeVoy A California Appeals Court decision reversed a trial court’s decision dismissing an unfair competition claim against Bright Imperial Limited (Redtube) and a host of other adult entertainment companies including Bang Bros, Brazzers and The decision, Cammarata v. Bright Imperial Limited, No. B218226 (Cal. App. Ct. Jan. 26, 2011), invoked California’s Anti-SLAPP statute in reaching its conclusion.
Zach Wahls pwns the Iowa bigot caucus
[youtube=] Now go get your fuckin shine box, magic space zombie jew eaters.
Bill Maher must read this blog
I hope he does, anyhow. A few weeks ago, I wrote a piece on The NFL and Socialism. Two days ago, Bill Maher wrote on the same thing, but maybe with a bit more cleverness, here.
I come bearing gifts
You may have noticed a lack of posts by your humble editor this year. Well, a week in Vegas plus two weeks thereafter puking your guts out will do that to your writing ethic. But, I return bearing gifts. A friend of mine is in a position to dole out a pretty awesome job for someone with a fresh JD.
Did daddy touch you or not?
By J. DeVoy From the WTF file in Dane County, Wisconsin (i.e. Madison and its metro area): [A] jury has awarded $1 million to Dr. Charles and Karen Johnson, a former Madison couple who alleged that therapists implanted in their now adult daughter false memories of childhood sexual and physical abuse. The case has been cluttering up the docket for
Cooking like an alpha
By J. DeVoy Crime and Federalism has been providing recipes for a few weeks now. They’re good. But where C&F has addressed substance, we feel compelled to provide style pointers. Of course, leave it to the Scandinavians, who burned churches and killed one another to prove whose black metal band was most badass, to show us the way: [youtube=] And
New Yorker violates cardinal rule of Las Vegas
By J. DeVoy Las Vegas has but one maxim: What happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas — a boon if you live there. Hubert Blackman contacted Las Vegas Exclusive Personals when visiting the Las Vegas Strip from New York to have a dancer come to his hotel room. Blackman claims that in addition to the dance, he paid
Dispatch from Bizarro World: USPTO to open Detroit Office
By J. DeVoy From the “putting a band-aid over a gaping wound” file, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is bringing more than 100 positions to Detroit, Michigan. The same Detroit seen on the television show Detroit 187, a timely show about the city’s absurdly high murder rate, and the very same Michigan that has been in a one-state
When feminism and art clash
By J. DeVoy “Pierce Harlan,” contributor to the False Rape Society, posts an interesting historical account about an 89-year-long feud between feminists and sculpture in New York City. A teaser from the article: What was so offensive about this statue? MacMonnies had the audacity to give vice a feminine face, and to depict virtue as decidedly male. The reaction of many women to
ABA mulls dropping LSAT requirement
By J. DeVoy Once upon a time, professions had meaningful barriers to entry. The inability to participate was not a mark of personal failure for the unsuccessful applicant, but an indicia of the profession’s selectivity, a characteristic retained largely for the public’s benefit. One such guild was the ABA — until the mid 1990s. Around that time, Janet Reno put
Breaking: Sony to file TRO against notable hacker
By J. DeVoy Known in hacker circles as “geohot,” George Hotz, along with Hector Martin Cantero, Sven Peter and the heretofore unnamed John Does 1-100, is facing an ex parte motion for a temporary restraining order by Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC (“Sony”) tomorrow, January 12. Here’s the filing (A Legal Satyricon Exclusive(?)). Working together, the defendants allegedly devised a way
Twitter looks out for leakers
By J. DeVoy A common feature of criminal and civil actions against unknown defendants is the need for subpoenas, warrants, or other court orders to ascertain John (or Jane) Doe’s true identity. For a long time, these have gone unchallenged by companies seeking to mind their own business, avoid the cost and consequences of litigation – or taking a position
We are deeply saddened at yesterday’s horrific events in Tucson, Arizona. The victims were John M. Roll, 63, the chief judge for the United States District Court for Arizona; Gabriel Zimmerman, 30, the director of community outreach for Congresswoman Giffords; Christina Green, 9; Dorothy Morris, 76; Dorwin Stoddard, 76; and Phyllis Schneck, 79. Judge Roll was the judge who swore
Beautiful writing
The Mount Soledad Cross case was decided this week. I am currently reading it right now, and will post on it soon. But I just wanted to share this sentence. It was completely unnecessary to the opinion, which makes it all the more beautiful. The cross was a marker of an individual grave, not a universal monument to the war
As Goes Iowa…
By Chad Belville, Guest Satyriconista Iowa, a square state in the Heartland, is one of the few states in the US that allows any two adults of legal age to marry, regardless of gender. Unlike every other state where Supreme Courts found that government should legally recognize the unions of two same-sex adults, the Iowa decision was unanimous and shot