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Synth Porn

By J. DeVoy Readers interested in electronic music and the technology behind it will love this: [youtube=] Subconscious studios, spearheaded by Cevin Key, has been remarkably prolific.  The studio’s equipment

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Blog L00T: Another Installment.

This is Chris, back again for another update of the L00T!  Our blawgers-in-crime have been posting a multitude of sensational stories, stories we’ll think you’ll enjoy reading… Some Judges Prefer

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Craig's List yields to pressure?

by Platt & Randazza The “Adult Services” listing on Craiglist was removed late Friday on its U.S.-based sites and replaced with the word “censored.” Story here. Interestingly enough, if you

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Numbers that Demonize the American People

A widely quoted Harris poll claims that 57% of sampled Republicans think that Barack Obama is a muslim. This has been a great gift for liberal commentators who are predisposed to fear and loathe the Tea Party and its supposed influence. But did this gift just materialize from dispassionate and objective data, as if by accident?

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Student Loan Slavery!

Way back when, they said “go to the best law school you can get into.” I say bullshit. You want a law degree? Go to the CHEAPEST school you can

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Cheers to patriotism and logic!

By Tatiana von Tauber Georgia Republican, Jack Kingston, deserves applause.   Why?  Because Kingston is exercising logic: he supports lowering the drinking age for military service members.  “If you’re 18 years old, you can get

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Broken Penises and the Law

By Marc J. Randazza As office workers, few attorneys have the opportunity to contemplate what workplace injuries can mean to their clients. Honestly, what’s the worst injury you can get

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