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The Dutch try to pare welfare rolls

By J. DeVoy …by pairing needy women with rich men.  The catalyst?  A state-sponsored makeover to enhance their appearance. The local social service departments are paying for the women to

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Banged up Boobies

Irene Ferrari, the owner of Russia’s largest breast implants, is suing a Swiss airline because she said that the “skimpy” business class seating didn’t provide enough room for her ginormous

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Naw, Really?

From the cover of the June 2010 “Vermont Catholic” magazine. Okay, feel free to suggest your captions for the above photo below.

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Blondes having more fun

By J. DeVoy If you were in Riga, Latvia this Memorial Day weekend, you would have seen the 2010 Go Blonde parade.  Naturally, (no pun intended) there are photos. H/T:

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GooGoo For Gaga Feminism

By Tatiana Von Tauber    Lady Gaga is one rockin’ feminist and seemed rather proud of it during her interview with Larry King:   “ Some of the things that I wear …

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Barbecue Heaven

On my flight yesterday, I had the good fortune to meet the world’s leading expert on the art of barbecue cooking, Steven Raichlen. In addition to being a hell of

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LSAT improvement: $8-11.5k

By J. DeVoy The LSAT summer intensive preparation regimen from Kaplan: $7,999 for the program; $11,499 with housing included. Ready to do anything it takes to achieve a powerhouse LSAT

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