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In Yo Face!

To all those that doubted me when I proclaimed that Apple had a whole lot to do with the fuzz busting down a Gizmodo editor’s door, I humbly submit to

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School's out forever

By J. DeVoy On May 8, 2010, Chris Harbin graduated from the University of Michigan Law School.  Today, I’ll take my walk across the stage as well.  Neither event was

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I will be on this guy’s show this evening.* [youtube=] *Joking

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Free speech and "societal costs"

by Charles Platt I assume you legally qualified guys have seen this quote: “Whether a given category of speech enjoys First Amendment protection depends upon a categorical balancing of the

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Flori-duh State Senator, Mike Bennett (R) was (gasp!) “caught watching porn” during a senate session. (source) And the pile on begins… the story even made today’s news in Sweden. While

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Same old story

Sleazy company hires scumbag attorney to file SLAPP suit. Moron judge gives an unconstitutional injunction. Okay, not the entire same old story… because Public Citizen jumped in and did a

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Anti-Seizure Precautions

by Charles Platt Recently I was talking to a criminal attorney who handles a lot of drug cases. I asked him this question: In the state of Arizona, how much

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Mom and Masturbation

By Tatiana von Tauber Mom and masturbation. Now those two words that don’t work for me together only that I’m a mom and I – well, you know, make time for

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Everybody has a price

By J. DeVoy Including Mr. T. [youtube=] How did this man go from battering fools on The A-Team to hawking the Flavorwave Oven?  And why is he such a whiner

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