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The Seventh Amendment Calculator

by Jay Marshall Wolman There is an interesting financial quirk in the Bill of Rights.  The Seventh Amendment states: In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall

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My Precious Erdogan

Bilgin Ciftci is a Turkish Blogger who posted a meme of Gollum (from Lord of the Rings) comparing Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan to the fictional character. He stands accused of

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Patriots Bitchcast

I don’t care if you’re a sports fan, Pats fan, or neither… this is fucking genius. [youtube=]

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The Hasmoneans Lost

by Jay M. Wolman   Next Sunday night, December 6, marks the beginning of Chanukkah.  The tl;dr version of the story is that Judah Maccabee and his brothers beat back

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Don't Drive by Hookers

A Los Angeles City Councilwoman is pushing for a plan that would use license plate reader technology to log visits to areas that are “known for” prostitution.  She then wants

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Where do Syrian Refugees Belong?

In what is reported to be the largest demonstration in Polish history, 170,000 Poles rallied against the “Islamization of Europe.” (source)  (the source is somewhat suspect though).  I don’t need to

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"Kool Aid" is Racist?

One of two things is going on here: Either A) I am way out of touch with racist jokes, or B) Huffington Post is full of shit. See Fox’s Brian

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