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Virginia Spam Case Commentary

By Christopher Harbin, Legal Satyricon Correspondent I detest legendary spammer Jeremy Jaynes. As the 8th largest spam operator in the world, Jaynes has made a living cluttering up people’s inboxs

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First Amendment Juggernaut

I’m beaming with pride at being called a “First Amendment Juggernaut” by the Citizen Media Law Project. That’s even cooler than “Rock and Roll Juggernaut.”

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In Memoriam – David Wasserman

First Amendment lawyer David Wasserman died Thursday, Sept. 25 by his own hand. He reportedly suffered from depression for the past 16 years. The Orlando Sentinel reports: Wasserman, 52, was

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The Great Schlep

Sarah Silverman hilariously tries to convince Jews to visit their grandparents in Florida to vote for Obama. After their landslide stupidity in 2000, I’m pretty sure that the butterfly-ballot-stymied set

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Kentucky Seizes 141 Domain Names

A Kentucky state court judge has issued an order seizing 141 domain names that Kentucky claims “are being used in connection with illegal gambling activity.” (source) The Order states that

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Marty Klein on Gender Politics

Marty Klein takes the gender-identity politics set to task in Sarah Palin is not a “Woman” America is in bad enough shape without using the tribal allegiances of a Kosovo,

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Yeah, I Want My Money Back Too

Scott Greenfield has a point over at Simple Justice. if my government wants to use my tax dollars to save the American banking and investment banking system from collapse, to

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Grisham Libel Suit Tossed

Dennis Fritz and Ronald Keith Williamson were convicted of the murder of Debra Sue Carter. Fritz got life in prison, and Williamson received a death penalty sentence. Four days before

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Palin Email Hacked

Wired reports that Anonymous (the group that has been PWNING Scientology for years) hacked Sarah Palin’s personal email account and posted some messages online — messages that prove that she’s

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Ed Stross Case Reversed

A few months ago I posted on the Ed Stross mural case. In that posting, I discussed a positive First Amendment decision by the Michigan Court of Appeals regarding a

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Dozier Does it Again

By Christopher Harbin and Marc J. Randazza Dozier Law Firm, P.C. recently escalated its war of words and attrition with cyber-critic Ronald Riley by suing him for trademark infringement. A

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