An Activist Law Firm

News & Media

Randazza: Nothing is Straight in Boston

By Marc J. Randazza Boston was home to a “Straight Pride” rally. Unsurprisingly, a bunch of idiots showed up to protest the other idiots, and idiocy ensued. It seems to have all been fixed now. So, here’s the story. Straight Pride Ralliers – Super Happy Fun America – Really? What is the point? Yes, the straight pride group is really called “Super Happy Fun America.” One could say “Super Gay Fun America” would be a synonym? On one level, I’m ok with these clowns. That’s what America is — the right to march down the street proclaiming whatever you want. I’m pretty proud to be a native Masshole – and part of that Masshole pride comes from the fact that

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Randazza Legal Group Sketch

Court unseals documents in the Epstein-related case of Giuffre v. Maxwell

After Randazza Legal Group’s request to unseal documents in a case involving the Jeffrey Epstein scandal was denied by a District Court, Marc Randazza and Jay Wolman urged the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit to overturn the order. On July 3, 2019, the court agreed the documents should be public and directed that they be unsealed. “The courts cannot be fair if they are not open for the public to review what led to the court’s decision. The courts belong to the people – and both the common law and the First Amendment demand that the court proceedings take place in the sunshine, not in the secret caverns of a star chamber,” said Randazza.  “We are delighted that the Second Circuit reaffirmed this long standing right,” Randazza said.  Below are documents unsealed today by the court in the Epstein-related case

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Ronald green of randazza legal group & maurice verstandig of the verstandig law firm currently defend professional poker player nick marchington


Ronald Green of Randazza Legal Group and Maurice VerStandig of The VerStandig Law Firm currently defend professional poker player Nick Marchington in a lawsuit brought by two financial backers who believe they are entitled to a portion of his more than $1.5 million winnings from the World Series of Poker Main Event.  Marchington terminated the agreement he entered into with the two stakers for the WSOP Main Event prior to the game’s commencement and endeavored to refund their money, which he did. However, a day after Marchington won over $1.5 million in the tournament, the two backers, David Yee and Colin Hartley of C Biscuit Poker Staking, filed suit.  “Requiring a player to enter an event on a given stake would be illegal,” Green wrote in a legal briefing to the court. “He has the necessary free will

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Marc Randazza Law Firm


(Las Vegas) July 03, 2019 — First Amendment attorneys Marc Randazza and Jay Wolman of Randazza Legal Group prevailed in a Federal appeal to obtain sealed court documents regarding the Jeffrey Epstein scandal.   Randazza Legal Group was retained by Michael Cernovich of Cernovich Media after he discovered that Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s former girlfriend, filed her entire summary judgment motion under seal. Randazza Legal Group intervened and appeared for Mr. Cernovich in the District Court, but the request to unseal those summary judgment documents was denied. Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, at Mr. Randazza’s urging, overturned that order and directed that the summary judgment materials be unsealed.  In the underlying case, Virginia Giuffre, one of Epstein’s alleged victims, sued Maxwell for defamation for denying involvement with

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Randazza: Damn right we should get rid of birthright citizenship

by Marc J. Randazza American citizenship is one of the most coveted statuses that mankind has ever invented. A majority of the 7 billion people on this planet would gladly swap their passport for a nice blue one with a gold eagle on its cover. And how do you get it? For the most part, you get it by being born in the right place or to the right parents. Yeah, there’s naturalization … but only about 20 million citizens, out of 350 million are naturalized. In other words, those who become “Americans by choice” are almost statistically insignificant. Even then, I think that the path to citizenship is nothing more than a bureaucratic game — and doesn’t really confer

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Randazza legal group mourns the loss of iconic first amendment advocate and famous brothel owner


It is with great sadness that we mourn the loss of Dennis Hof, a former client and friend of Randazza Legal Group. Dennis was a true warrior for freedom and liberty, taking on causes that provided him little benefit but had significant First Amendment implications. There was much more to him than the persona he displayed on camera and in the press; Dennis was a genuinely kind man who saw it as his duty to make sure everyone around him was always taken care of. The 72-year-old entrepreneur and philanthropist was a candidate for the District 36 seat in the Nevada State Assembly at his time of death. “It was a privilege to counsel, defend, and befriend Dennis,” said Marc

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Randazza: Vermin Supreme’s Pony Horde Rides on Kansas (Popehat Signal Activated)

By Marc J. Randazza My client, Vermin Love Supreme (yes, that is his real name), recently filed to run for Attorney General of Kansas. Supreme is performance artist and a political activist who has run for U.S. President many times, and recently announced that he wished to run for Kansas Attorney General: Kansas literally has no residency requirements, either by statue or in the Kansas Constitution, and no requirement that the Kansas AG be an attorney. In fact, despite having some of the most restrictive voter access laws in the country (the District of Kansas sanctioned Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach in relation to the lawsuit regarding whether Kansas’ requirement that voters must produce documentary evidence of citizenship is

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Randazza: Trump, Twitter, The NFL, and Everything

By Marc J. Randazza The NFL says that players must stand (or remain in the locker room) during the National Anthem. No more “taking a knee.” In the same week, Trump lost a case that says that the “interactive space” in his tweets is a “public forum” and thus he can’t block people who criticize him. And, perhaps I did too much LSD in the 80s and 90s, but I see the two as intertwined. The real problem we have is that freedom of expression is the crown jewel in the American enlightenment, but that jewel is tarnished by the fact that our public square is increasingly privately owned. Privatization of the “public square” threatens to render the First Amendment

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Randazza: Trying to make sense of Bourdain

By Marc J. Randazza I did not know Anthony Bourdain. But, he was a good friend to a good friend. I’m upset about his death for a few reasons. First, and foremost, a good friend lost a good friend. Selfishly, I always had it as a given that I would have drinks with him one day. Any time I wanted, really. I just had to ask. It never occurred to me that he would be gone before I made the time. And now that he is gone, the post-mortems are oozing like honey out of baklava. Messy, sweet, and getting on everything. Almost all of them are flattering, as they should be. Yeah, there’s always one douche with something awful

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Randazza: Masterpiece Cakeshop – A Whole Lotta Nothing

By Marc J. Randazza Masterpiece Cakeshop was supposed to be one of the decisive battles in the war for “religious freedom,” or “gay rights” or “free speech,” or whatever you wanted it to be. And, yesterday, the Supreme Court issued its opinion. The syllabus to the case might as well have said “we really hope y’all didn’t shave your balls for this, because it ain’t gonna be that kind of date.” By now, everyone knows the case, right? Two guys go to a bakery and ask him to make a cake for their big fat gay wedding. Bakery owner says “I’m not doing that, because I am a Christian, and my Christian beliefs require me to be a douche to

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Randazza: Latest Appearance on Infowars

Infowars might not be the most popular outlet with many of the readers (or at least commenters) on this blog, but I thought that anyone who gives a damn about free speech would enjoy this. We talk about Roseanne, the NFL, and the Tommy Robinson issue

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Randazza: Interview with The King of Cambodia

By Marc J. Randazza Norodom Sihamoni is the King of Cambodia. I had the opportunity to meet with him recently. I was in a whorehouse on the outskirts of Amsterdam, and we were both stumbling in to the place, baked off our asses. I was high from smoking lemon kush, but His Royal Fucking Highness had a can of gold spray paint and a rag, and he just kept huffing the shit until his face looked like one of those buddha statues — except that he had a much more effeminate physique than the enlightened one. I thought it was a little weird that the actually King of a country (to the extent that Cambodia is a “real” country) was

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Job Posting - Paralegal / Legal Secretary

Job Posting – Paralegal / Legal Secretary

Randazza Legal Group is growing – and we need another paralegal / legal secretary. The successful candidate must be enthusiastic about working for a firm that does First Amendment Law and international intellectual property law. Candidates must be in Las Vegas or willing to relocate to Vegas. You must be organized. In fact, really organized, because the boss lacks that quality. Experience as a paralegal is helpful, but not required. College helps, but is not necessary. Although, if you did go to college and you majored in English or Journalism, please step this way, past the velvet rope, and sit down. You’re going to the VIP lounge of candidates. You know why I like English/Journalism majors? Because usually they can

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Randazza: Stormy v. Trump: Anti-SLAPP thru DÉPEÇAGE MOTHERFUCKER!!!

First Stormy Daniels tried to blame Tom Brady for threatening her. And now this… Today, Stephanie Clifford, aka Stormy Daniels, sued Donald Trump in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. See Clifford v. Trump, Case No. 1:18-cv-03842 (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 30, 2018). The complaint is short (which is surprising given how stupid it is) and centers on a tweet Trump wrote after Stormy published a sketch she commissioned of the unidentified man she claims threatened her to keep quiet about her alleged sexual affair with Trump. Specifically, Trump called the sketch and Stormy’s related allegations a “con job,” which Stormy alleges is defamatory. Ken has written enough about the merits, so I will just refer you

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By Marc J. Randazza A Nevada court previously ordered the censorship of autopsy reports stemming from the Las Vegas massacre.  (source)  Today, the Nevada Supreme Court reversed that decision as an unlawful prior restraint.  (Opinion Here.) The lower court’s order would have forced members of the press to allow government officials to freely rummage through its files to find and destroy an autopsy report connected to the October 1, 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas.  The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and the Nevada Press Association, represented by Randazza Legal Group, PLLC, filed an amicus brief in this case explaining to the Supreme Court why the district court’s order was unconstitutional. Shortly after the October 1, 2017 mass

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Randazza: Section 2(a) Falls! First Amendment Wins!

First Amendment Prevails as Final Portion of Trademark Act’s Censorship Regime Falls by Marc J. Randazza The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit just struck down the final pillar in the U.S. Trademark Act’s censorship regime. 15 U.S.C. § 1052(a) (known best as “Section 2(a)”) is a portion of the Lanham Act, the federal trademark statute, that prevents registration of certain kinds of marks.  It used to bar registration of marks that “may disparage,” as well as marks that were “immoral or scandalous.”  Earlier this year, the Supreme Court in Matal v. Tam, 137 S. Ct. 1744 (2017) found that the bar on registration of marks that “may disparage” violated the First Amendment.  This decision got a lot

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Randazza: The Neo-Nazi and The First Amendment

By Marc Randazza Andrew Anglin, a neo-Nazi whom many online publications refer to as a vicious online troll, is being sued by a Jewish citizen of Whitefish, Montana. Tanya Gersh accuses him of invading her family’s privacy, urging his supporters to attack her family with hateful and death-threatening messages, and unleashing an online anti-Semitic trolling campaign against her, her relatives, her 12-year-old son, and other Jewish citizens of the local community. I represent Anglin in this suit. I realize that Anglin’s story is full of controversy, hate, and nationalistic views, which he reportedly spread among his followers. However, the court may be on the verge of creating a dangerous precedent when deciding this lawsuit. Anglin has every right to ask people

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Randazza: Even Trump has a right to free speech

By Marc Randazza When then-presidential candidate Trump uttered the words, “Get’em out of here,” at one of his rallies, Trump’s supporters assaulted three anti-Trump protestors. The protestors now want to hold Trump liable for the assault, based on his speech alone. While I do not approve of Trump’s words, I am honor-bound to defend his right to free speech, as I have oft repeated the famous Voltaire misquote: “I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It.” I am disturbed that many people, including fellow free speech advocates, are willing to turn their back on this principle in this case. In my opinion, people are blinded by their negative views of

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Marc Randazza interviewed on Vice TV

Marc Randazza speaks to Vice about defending Andrew Anglin in the lawsuit filed by Tanya Gersh who alleged Anglin incited a troll storm against her. Randazza explains that Anglin’s speech is political, a category protected by the First Amendment, and justifies his representation of the Daily Stormer founder. “Whether or not I agree with somebody’s content is irrelevant to whether I represent them.” Check out the full interview below. Check out more of Randazza Legal Group in the news.

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Randazza: Public Masturbation as Protected Speech?

By Marc J Randazza The Oregonian reports, delightfully, Man arrested after ‘masturbating vigorously’ in public because he ‘hates Portland’. So would his rationale change this from just a run-of the mill date with Palmela Handerson into protected activity? It just might. After all, nudity can be so ennobled, so why not evicting the testicular squatters? A few years ago, a guy decided to take his vintage 10-speed bicycle for a spin through the streets of Portland while wearing nothing but a bicycle helmet. Portland Police were not amused. They arrested Hammond for indecent exposure under Portland, Or., City Code § 14.24.060, which states that “it is unlawful for any person to expose his or her genitalia while in a public

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