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First Amendment Suit for Petitioning Teenager

Teens in Brewer, Maine were concerned about a school bathroom rule which permits  biological males to use the girls’ bathroom.  The teenagers decided to circulate a petition asking the administration to reconsider.  The petition could not have been more neutral in content.  However, the teens allege that the school administration came down hard on them for it, accusing them of committing a “hate crime.” The teens want to continue circulating their petition, and the law says that students do not shed their constitutional rights at the schoolhouse door.  Importantly, the case is not about whether the bathroom policy is good or bad.  The case is about whether students can circulate a petition on campus without being intimidated by the government

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Job Posting – Defend the First Amendment

Randazza Legal Group is looking for an associate who is already licensed or a law student we can have do some work and then farm up.  We are First Amendment lawyers.  We went up against the government because they were trying to censor a guy who protested in favor of LGBTQ rights. Then, we used the same underlying briefing to support a woman who protested against Pride Month. We are Catholics who assist pro-abortion protesters and Satanists. We are Jews who fight for Nazis’ free speech rights. We are gays who fight for people who want to end marriage equality. We find the greatest purity in supporting speech we despise, because that is what freedom is about.  Our dream candidate is

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First Amendment Suit For LGBT Supporting Protester

Randazza Legal Group filed a lawsuit for Stephen Mandile, commonly known as “the Kindness Guy.”  Mandile regularly stands outside schools holding up signs to support kids and against bullying.  A disabled veteran, he spent an entire evening sleeping on a bridge to guard a Pride Month display that had been previously vandalized.  Mandile seeks to vindicate his First Amendment rights and to protect them for others. The verified Complaint and Motion for Preliminary Injunction  provide further information.  Both were filed in federal court in the District of Massachusetts. UPDATE:  Due to the strength of the case, the parties entered into a stipulated injunction. Additional Update:  This matter has been resolved.

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Censorship By Abuse of Restraining Order Process – First Amendment Victory

Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA – In this case, a citizen got in a debate with another citizen over their competing views on pride month.  Ms. Hope Watt-Bucci, a real estate agent in Manchester, MA disagreed with Kim Kahan’s political views. Rather than let their ideas compete in the marketplace of ideas, as our Constitution mandates, Ms. Watt-Bucci preferred to act the part of the bully and censor.  She harassed Ms. Kahan directly, sought to enlist others to harass Ms. Kahan, incited others to steal Ms. Kahan’s property, and even incited others to throw feces at Ms. Kahan’s home. This was all because Ms. Hope Watt-Bucci disagreed, politically, with Ms. Kahan. Since none of that succeeded in suppressing Ms. Kahan from expressing her

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Brewery Sues North Carolina Alcohol Commission

Brewery Sues North Carolina Alcohol Commission for Banning its Beer Because Label is “in Bad Taste”

The North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission (ABC) denied the state-wide sale and distribution of Flying Dog Brewery’s bottled Freezin’ Season Winter Ale citing an administrative rule that First Amendment attorney Marc Randazza and Flying Dog Brewery call unconstitutional and a violation of the First Amendment in the lawsuit they filed against the ABC. The agency denied the sale and distribution of Freezin’ Season because the label is “in bad taste.” The ABC controls the sale, purchase, transportation, manufacture, consumption, and possession of all alcoholic beverages in North Carolina. In court documents, Randazza argues that the ABC’s censorship is currently injuring Flying Dog Brewery because it cannot accept orders for the beer and if relief is not granted, it will

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Nevada Sex Worker Sues Gov Sisolak

Nevada Sex Worker Sues Gov. Sisolak for Continued Closure of Brothels Amid COVID-19

Alice Little, Nevada’s premiere and highest-paid courtesan, filed a lawsuit against Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak on Monday over the continued closure of the state’s legal brothels due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In her complaint, filed by Randazza Legal Group, Little claims that sex workers have been treated unfairly as massage parlors, tattoo shops, hair salons and other high-contact businesses have been allowed to reopen while brothels remain closed. Meanwhile, her sex worker license is a property interest that Sisolak has unlawfully seized in his zeal to please out-of-state interests. Little argues this is a violation of her right to equal protection and to earn a living under the Nevada Constitution. Further, she asserts that Sisolak’s order impedes her right and

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Randazza Legal Group and Bit Bar go 2-0 in smacking down unconstitutional actions by Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Twice in less than a month, Bit Bar, a Salem-based arcade venue, successfully challenged the Massachusetts government in federal court for violating the First and Fourteenth Amendments. Randazza Legal Group filed a complaint on behalf of Bit Bar against the Massachusetts governor, Charlie Baker, in early October. In it, Bit Bar argued that Governor Baker’s decision to keep arcades closed amidst the COVID-19 pandemic but allow casinos to reopen violated the arcade’s First and Fourteenth Amendment rights. Two days after being served with  the complaint, the governor caved and allowed Bit Bar and similar businesses to re-open. While the case was pending, Bit Bar sought to apply for aid through a COVID-19 relief program for small businesses through Massachusetts Growth

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Rlg wins big anti slapp victory

RLG wins big anti-slapp victory over sahara casino on behalf of local journalist

Randazza Legal Group achieved a great victory for journalists on Tuesday when a judge granted its Anti-SLAPP motion to dismiss in the defamation lawsuit that casino hotel property Sahara Las Vegas filed against a blogger who reported last month that the property would be closing soon. Randazza Legal Group represented the blogger in the case. Marc Randazza told the Las Vegas Review Journal that the dismissal is “a good decision” that would protect journalists. “I’m not really sure why they brought this in the first place,” he said. “It was very ill-considered.” Read the full article here.

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Student request diversity of thought

Student requests ‘diversity of thought’ training after teacher belittles him for political view

Randazza Legal Group is proud to represent 12-year-old Jackson Cody of Gloucester, Mass., who requested that the staff at O’Maley Innovation Middle School participate in ‘diversity of thought’ training after he said a teacher mocked him for supporting President Donald Trump in the upcoming election. “He is not suing anyone at this time,” Marc Randazza told the Gloucester Times on Friday. “He and his family are very community minded and have no desire to cause any unnecessary conflict.” “We do not want money, we do not want anyone fired, we only want this to stop,” Randazza wrote.  According to the Gloucester Times, the staff training that is scheduled for next week will include role-playing challenging scenarios that may come up when students

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Arcades reopen in Massachusetts

Arcades reopen in Massachusetts

“I’m glad the state finally came to its senses even if it took a little help from a lawsuit,” Gideon Coltof, president of Salem’s Bit Bar told 7 News. Randazza Legal Group represents Bit Bar in that lawsuit, which challenges the Massachusetts governor’s decision to keep arcades closed amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, but allow casinos to reopen. In the documents filed in a federal court, Randazza Legal Group attorney Marc Randazza argues that Governor Baker’s July 6 order treats one business different than another. Casinos are allowed to be open and operate, but video arcades that do not provide gambling services are not, thus violating Bit Bar’s First and Fourteenth Amendment rights. At a press conference on September 10, Governor

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Black lives matter

The Verge Profiles T. Greg Doucette, The Lawyer Chronicling Police Brutality

Tired of people around him rationalizing police violence as the act of a few bad apples, T. Greg Doucette, a North Carolina-based criminal defense attorney, took to social media to make a clear statement that police brutality is not an isolated issue that we can ignore. Doucette posted 10 videos, 10 separate examples, of police brutality in cities across the United States on May 30. The Twitterverse sent his post into virality and ultimately, birthed an online archive of gross injustices perpetrated by those entrusted to protect and serve. Just three months later, Doucette’s original Twitter thread has more than 1,700 videos which have been compiled into a public spreadsheet by Doucette and mathematician Jason Miller. Randazza Legal Group represented

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Massachusetts Arcade Sues Governor Over Reopening Plan

Online publication Mass Live covered the lawsuit Randazza Legal Group filed on behalf of Bit Bar. The article, in part, says: A Massachusetts arcade based in Salem, Bit Bar, is suing Gov. Charlie Baker over his coronavirus reopening plan claiming it should be allowed to open now. Bit Bar accuses the governor and the state of violating its First and Fourteenth Amendment rights, according to the lawsuit filed in a Boston federal court. Bit Bar is represented by Randazza Legal Group, PLLC based in Gloucester, Mass. “Gov. Baker reiterated that arcades would be part of Phase 3 in an order of June 6, 2020,” wrote Marc J. Randazza, managing partner, founder of Randazza Legal Group, PLLC and lead counsel for

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The “Pop-Up Keyboard” Defense: How Apps, Mobile Phones, and Terms of Use Work Together

Marc Randazza is an Opinion Writer for CNN on First Amendment issues. Here are some of his columns.

From 2012-2018, First Amendment Attorney Marc Randazza published an opinion column for CNN, regularly providing commentary and analysis on current events and cases related to free speech, Trademark and Copyright, freedom of the press, defamation and much more. See below for the articles Marc Randazza wrote for CNN during this time. 2018 Randazza: Scottish comedian’s Nazi salute dog video was awful. But it wasn’t a crime [PDF] 2017 Randazza: Even Trump has a right to free speech [PDF] The best way to respond to Las Vegas massacre [PDF] Randazza: Outrage over Google memo goes too far [PDF] Rock band The Slants’ victory in court secures your rights [PDF] Why Turkish embassy violence is unforgivable [PDF] Jail for laughing protester is

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Randazza Legal Group

Our commitment to pro bono services

We are committed to serving individuals and organizations who may not have the means necessary to seek justice. It is both our duty and our privilege to provide pro bono legal aid. The nature of our work is not cheap. However, we eagerly dedicate a percentage of our time to provide pro bono services to those who could not otherwise afford us. We provide free and reduced-rate programs for certain clients. “Not only is it difficult to leave those in need without aid, but to do so would be a grave disservice to society,” says Marc Randazza, managing partner of Randazza Legal Group. Our team has already provided more than 125 hours of free legal assistance in the first half

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Were you refused entry to a private business for not wearing a mask? Get a consultation now.

Were you refused entry to a private business for not wearing a mask?  Do you feel that this infringes on your constitutional rights? Email us to schedule a consultation. Please be advised that we do not give free consultations. Our consultations cost $1,000. During this consultation, we will give you up to one hour of advice on constitutional issues. While we do not give free legal advice, we can give you a preview of the consultation. The consultation outline goes like this: 1. Introductions and explanations about our qualifications. 2. Addressing your specific concerns about your rights, masks, and private property. 3. Conclusion and pleasantries about what you learned, sharing of additional knowledge. 4. (optional) Mocking you for being an idiot

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The Satanic Temple will sue Mississippi if they put "In God We Trust" on state flag

The Satanic Temple will sue Mississippi if they put “In God We Trust” on state flag

This story in the news: The Hill – Satanic Temple plans to sue Mississippi if state puts ‘In God We Trust’ on flag WLOX 13 – Satanic Temple threatens lawsuit if ‘In God We Trust’ appears on new Mississippi flag Christian Headlines – Satanic Temple Threatens Lawsuit if Mississippi Puts ‘In God We Trust’ on State Flag The Post Millennial – Satanic Temple to sue Mississippi if God is printed on redesigned state flag Fox 13 – ‘It should include references to satan’: Satanists threaten lawsuit on Mississippi’s flag designs The New American – Satanists Liken “In God We Trust” on New Mississippi Flag to Confederate Emblem; Threaten Lawsuit CNS News – Satanic Temple Threatening to Sue if Mississippi Adds

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Murum Aries Attigit, Y’all

This here case is a pretty good story. It all starts in Orange County, North Carolina. Folks there, well, everywhere, say the wheels of justice turn slowly. But, a few weeks ago, Lady Justice traded in her robe and blindfold for a pair of short cutoff jeans, tossed her scales into the kudzu on the side of a dusty road, and grabbed the keys to a bright orange 1969 Dodge Charger. She jumped in one window and Mendacius rode shotgun. The two of them let out a cry that bystanders called “a foxhunt yip mixed up with sort of a banshee squall.” She pushed the pedal to the metal and made those 426 cubic inches growl through Orange County (North

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Due Process for Tsarnaev – Demanded by a Masshole

By Marc J. Randazza I want a new trial for Tsarnaev – because FUCK Dzhokhar Tsarnaev! I don’t personally know anyone who got hurt in the Tsarnaev bombing. I don’t even know anyone who was in the zone of danger. Nevertheless, when I heard about the Marathon bombing, I wanted to cry and crush something at the same time. These motherfuckers bombed my home. It is as if they burned Paul Revere’s house, or bombed Fenway Park, or sank the U.S.S. Constitution, or put tomatoes in my chowder. It wasn’t just a bomb in a crowded place. This was a “fuck you, Boston” of biblical proportions. I got this far into writing this, and it came back to me –

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Former client shares her story in new true-crime documentary on Netflix

Former client shares her story in new true-crime documentary on Netflix

Blogger Alexandria Goddard worked to unravel the systematic coverup of the Steubenville High School rape case. Now, she’s sharing her story in a gripping true-crime documentary that brings daylight to a story that desperately needed it. Roll Red Roll, directed by globally recognized human rights activist Nancy Schwartzman, goes beyond the headlines of the notorious case in small-town Ohio and shifts the spotlight and burden from the victims to the perpetrators, bystanders, witnesses and community. Following its theatrical release, the film is now streaming on Netflix. It tells the story of how the victim and her story got swept under the rug, how the story divided the town, and how only external pressure brought some semblance of justice. “I’m happy

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Elizabeth Lenjo

Randazza Legal alumna featured in Africa Legal

A few years ago, we had the opportunity to mentor Liz Lenjo, a young lawyer from Kenya. As with all of our international interns, we feel like we got more out of it than she did;. While she was here, I made sure to learn some Kiswahili, and Liz’s influence on all of us was overwhelmingly positive. Now, this dynamic woman is really making a mark for herself internationally. I sincerely got emotional to see that she still considers me to be her mentor. Lucky me. Original article: Taking a Front Row Seat Author: Ife Ogunbufunmi  |  Website: Africa Legal Bridging the gap between African creatives and the law is a passion and profession for Liz Lenjo, the

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