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Avvo recognizes awesomeness

Well, its been a hell of a good year… it seems that our friends at Avvo think awfully highly of the Legal Satyricon. We’re one of their 10 favorite legal

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Newdow … again

Sometimes, even I wish that Michael Newdow would give it a rest. He was dead right in his Pledge of Allegiance case. He’s just going nutty with this one.

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Hockey in Fenway Park

Interesting. If there is one thing that I learned growing up in New England, it is that you can never count on the weather. Well, that and you can never

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Turnabout is fair play

The recording industry may be getting a taste of its own medicine. This is a Canadian case, but interesting nonetheless. H/T Evren Seven.

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Man "finishes" World of Warcraft

What’s with the “hugging”? ‘Little Gray” beat the game after killing 390,895 creatures, administering 7,255,538,878 points of damage, completing 5,906 quests (averaging 14 quests a day), raiding 405 dungeons and

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The Bread Hunter

Totally off topic… but totally awesome. The Bread Hunter. The author’s book is here. I want it. When I lived in Sicily, my friends had an outdoor stone oven. Talk

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Indianapolis … at it again

Yes, the city that brought you MacKinnon’s anti-pornography ordinance (struck down by American Booksellers Ass’n. v. Hudnut, 771 F.2d 323 (7th Cir. 1985)) now brings us a public school internet

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Brüno may have stepped in it….

We got a pile of frivolous, stupid, and unsupportable lawsuits out of Sacha Baron Cohen’s Borat. Cohen’s latest, Brüno, might just mar Cohen’s record. It seems, if the allegations are

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