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When Fifth Graders Go Bad

Jordan Hood’s fifth grade art teacher told him to draw a scary Halloween mask for his art class. He complied. However, when Jordan’s homeroom teacher, Melissa Pevey, saw the drawing,

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The (sort of) Week-End Blog Loot!

Pre-Election Week Edition… W00T! Editorial and Comment by Zac “I’m-ill-yo” Papantoniou 1. Seriously, making Gov. Palin look stupid is getting a bit redundant… but she makes it so easy pull

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Three Johns on Politics

If by a “Liberal” they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people

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Farewell Josh

Very few of you know who Joshua Samuel Brown is. That’s okay. Lets just say that we are spiritual brothers. His decision to leave the United States, seemingly for good

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Right Wing Crybabies

Glen Greenwald writes about how the far-right has become the victim studies department: As [the Right has] ruled the country, it’s been driven into the ground on every level. The

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YOUNG WOMAN: Are we getting closer and closer to, like, socialism and stuff?. . . CANDIDATE: Here’s what I really believe: That when you reach a certain level of comfort,

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Reason 245 Why I Love Sweden

From the Legal Satyricon Sports Desk: A hockey game between Stockholm’s AIK team and the visiting Leksand team was delayed several times because fans threw so many dildos onto the

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Palin on the First Amendment

As if you needed more evidence that this woman is terrifyingly stupid and unqualified to even be mayor of Wasilla, let alone Vice President (to say nothing for what happens

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Godless Americans! Boo!

By Marc “The Godless” Randazza In honor of Halloween, I’m going to write about something that obviously scares the living daylights out of a lot of Americans – ATHEISTS! Boo!

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