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On the Wisconsin Riots

By J. DeVoy To the Wisconsinites who have turned out to support public employees over the last two days: You’ve been duped.  I don’t wish any ill will on individual

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Rep. Dan Burton, (R-Ind) is what you’d probably call a “horse’s ass.” First, he co-sponsored the “Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act,” which would impose a three year jail sentence for

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I hereby forsake Atheism

I’m sorry if this throws you all for a loop. I realize that my hostility to religion is a bit of a cornerstone of the Legal Satyricon. But, well, Randazza

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I come bearing gifts

You may have noticed a lack of posts by your humble editor this year. Well, a week in Vegas plus two weeks thereafter puking your guts out will do that

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Did daddy touch you or not?

By J. DeVoy From the WTF file in Dane County, Wisconsin (i.e. Madison and its metro area): [A] jury has awarded $1 million to Dr. Charles and Karen Johnson, a

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Cooking like an alpha

By J. DeVoy Crime and Federalism has been providing recipes for a few weeks now.  They’re good.  But where C&F has addressed substance, we feel compelled to provide style pointers.

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