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Welcome to Georgia, USA

By Tatiana von Tauber I found this opinion piece in the local paper today. It was a letter to the editor and it reads: “Don’t vote from list writer says” Editor:

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Support the Iowa Supreme Court

Back in April, the Iowa Supreme Court issued an inspiring ruling, which struck down Iowa’s ban on same sex marriage. (earlier post). Whether you give a shit if gays get

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The Passion of the Chris

By J. DeVoy In a recent GChat session about his recent video game post (reprinted with permission), Christopher Harbin – who endorsed Obama just two years ago – saw the

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The Academic Feminist Witch Hunt

By Marc J. Randazza “Feminist Law Professors,” is a blog that throws cyber-tantrums at the notion of anonymous speech on the internet. (more and more) Their comment policy prefers that

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Paging Captain Obvious!

Ken Mehlman finally came out of the closet. (source) I will give him some credit. At least he came out in a classy way – not in a typical Republican

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Inappropriate Alertness

By Marc J. Randazza In Elmwood Place, Ohio, a woman was pulled over for having illegally-tinted windows. No wonder she had them tinted so dark, because behind them she had

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If Dr. Laura sang 'nigga'

by Tatiana von Tauber …she might have gained a new audience and kept her radio show.  Aside from her, here’s a fantastic expression of words like “fuck you” and “nigga”.  Context is

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