News & Media
Subcultures that make no sense
By J. DeVoy For example, the hipsters seen in this video. (Be cautious depending on your employer.) It’s just YouTube, so why am I not linking to it? It’s not particularly work safe, and there’s an open 18 U.S.C. § 2257 question about the appropriate documentation for this work, whose protagonist starts masturbating in front of a crowd of identical-looking
I wish I lived in Roman times
Because then we would throw these fucking child abusing nutbags to lions. [youtube=]
Ron Paul – Right Again
The ol’ doc’s oratory skills seem a bit off here, but he has the right idea (as usual). Personally, I’d prefer legislation that makes every American immune from prosecution if they punch a TSA employee in the face. But, I’ll settle for Rep. Paul’s bill. [youtube=]
Training Day
Faithful Readers: I arrive at headquarters with two black shirts, two pairs of black pants, one pair of black boots, two pairs of black socks, one black jacket, an army surplus mattress, and three hundred dollars personal burial money. My handle is Splifton and my resume is not impressive. I plan on contributing tangentially relevant popular culture articles to The
What is the TSA's Job, Really? (Applause for John Tyner)
Back in February, I wrote that it was time for a social revolt against the TSA. The idea was that everyone should treat TSA agents like shit. I haven’t met any outside an airport — probably because I don’t frequent places where uneducated ‘tards hang out. Accordingly, I wasn’t able to employ my own strategy. I’d like to renew the
On Corporations and Free Speech
By J. DeVoy Earlier this month, when I danced on Russ Feingold’s political grave, Randazza and several others critiqued the desirability of unbridled free speech for corporations. This is a subject where many will have to agree to disagree. Since defending corporations seems to be the minority position, though, I think the rationale should be clearly delineated. In many ways,
The Legal Satyricon guide to child care
By J. DeVoy [youtube=] Ah… to see into the future.
Jamey Petree – Asshat of the Week
A Michigan father has filed a lawsuit against his daughter’s local school district, claiming that her civil rights were violated when her fifth-grade teacher read certain portions of a children’s book by Julius Lester, the noted civil rights scholar and author. The passages from the book apparently used the word “nigger” in them and discuss the buying and selling of
Lamebook, We Support You!
by Jason Fischer I know this story is already a couple of days old, but we think it’s still worth reporting on. For anyone who doesn’t know what’s going on, Facebook has been on a tear recently trying to flex its trademark muscles, suing and threatening to sue pretty much anyone who uses the word “book” in their name. Well
Goddamnit, California, when are you gonna learn?
by Jason Fischer When are you gonna learn that legislation and regulation are not a substitute for parenting? If your kid is too fat, don’t buy them the effing happy meal. Problem solved. Banning products is the worst form of government intrusion. Period. And while we’re on the subject of banned products — thanks alot, stoners, for sitting on the
Shame on Wisconsin
Shame on Wisconsin. You just threw out the only member of the U.S. Senate with any integrity. You just demonstrated that this country is ruled by a small cabal of moneyed interests, with millions of uneducated rednecks as their foot soldiers. Feingold was our last citizen-senator. He was, for his entire time in office, the poorest member of the Senate,
Good riddance to Russ Feingold
By J. DeVoy Russell Feingold will be an ex-senator in January. It’s not soon enough. Feingold, half of the propulsion behind the McCain-Feingold Act that limited political speech and chipped away at your First Amendment protections, was never the reformer he portrayed himself to be. McCain-Feingold has long been one of the outgoing Wisconsin senator’s hallmark achievements. Unfortunately, the U.S.
Bob Guccione belated RIP
by Charles Platt I’m slightly stunned to learn that Bob Guccione died ten days ago. Why would I care? Because he was an idiot-savant of the sexual revolution who also launched Omni magazine, a bastard mix of science fiction and science. It spawned a slew of imitators, including Discover, which I think is the sole survivor. I used to write
Because who cares if it's your kid?
By J. DeVoy Troubling news from Britain, America’s canary in the coalmine and a target of immense reverence from college students who lived there – in a nice part of town, with other Americans – while studying abroad. From a Spectator article arguing for the complete end of DNA paternity testing: At a stroke, the one thing that women had
About that four-year-old sued for negligence…
By J. DeVoy “What I want, what I want, is just your children.” – Marilyn Manson; New York’s personal injury bar Much has been made of the New York Supreme Court’s recent decision to allow a negligence suit to proceed against four-year-old Juliet “Juliette” Breitman. Unlike most outlets, we have the court’s non-final disposition for you to read. As a
Anonymity takes center stage at TED
By J. DeVoy Chistopher “m00t” Poole, founder of the site that shall not be named, discusses the value added by Anonymous internet use. [youtube=]
Limewire Shutdown Over Copyright Issues
by Jason Fischer Limewire joins the list of infamous internet services deemed to be overwhelmingly used for copyright infringement (source). Napster,, and Grokster rumored to be throwing a welcome bash for the new fish.
An evening with Chief Justice John Roberts
By J. DeVoy On Tuesday, October 19, John Roberts visited his home in Buffalo, New York, and gave an uncommonly intimate talk at Canisius College. Rather than a lecture with a specific topic, Roberts sat down with Canisius alumnus and trustee (and Harvard Law grad) Joseph Hassett to discuss pre-selected questions by students and alumni. In an unusual act of
Larry Flynt offers Carl Paladino a jerb
By J. DeVoy I’ve previously discussed Carl Paladino and his infamous e-mails. Hustler’s Larry Flynt recently reviewed them as well and decided to weigh in: “Mr. Paladino has proven throughout his career that he knows how to monetize his interests and his pension for pornography should be no different,” Flynt said in a release, according to Politico . He went on
O'Dear O'Dumb O'Donnell
By Tatiana von Tauber My oh my. It just doesn’t get any better than this recording of Christine O’Donnell showing what anti-Tea Partiers have been cringing about all along. While at first it’s funny O’Donnell doesn’t know much about the separation of church and state or the First Amendment, on the deeper side we know just how scary this can be. This