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David McKee, Are you a Tool?

I don’t know, but I think you might be learning a thing or two about the Streisand Effect. Apparently, Dennis Laurion did not like Dr. McKee’s bedside manner, reviewing him

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Crime, Inc: Hollywood Robbery

CNBC explores the entertainment industry and the impact of piracy in Crime Inc–Hollywood Robbery.  CNBC interviewed attorney Marc Randazza for the program. The program will air on August 30, 2012

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The Copyrightability of Porn

Back in April, I wrote an article “Challenging The Copyrightability Of Porn” (html version – digital mag version) This was to confront a growing chorus of voices questioning whether porn

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Chick-fil-A and free speech

Attorney Marc Randazza guest writes a post for CNN about the First Amendment implications of  speaking out against Chick-fil-A CEO’s recent controversial comments about gay marriage.  Randazza says: The First Amendment protects

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Russia's Pussy Riot

By J. DeVoy The Russian punk rock band Pussy Riot are being charged with “hooliganism” for mocking religion and criticizing Vladimir Putin, Russia’s actual, then de facto, then actual again, leader.

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